The designated Careers Lead for Chorlton High School is Ms. P Banger, Deputy Headteacher.
Telephone: 0161 882 1150
Our vision
Chorlton High School is committed to providing quality and impartial careers education, information and guidance (CEIAG) ensuring students are able to make informed and aspirational choices about their future routes.
At the core of all the careers work is the belief that quality CEIAG has a positive impact on student engagement, attitudes and outcomes and can change lives.
The careers programme at CHS is comprehensive; CEIAG is delivered through three strands; the Academic curriculum, Personal development curriculum and the Enrichment curriculum. We have been accredited with the Quality in Careers Standard, which recognises our quality careers education, information and guidance. The Gatsby benchmarks are mapped out clearly in all we deliver.
The CHS Careers Programme
We have a progressive careers programme incorporating a range of activities and opportunities for students.. Each year group has a particular focus and drive that helps develop knowledge and employability skills needed by students to achieve their future goals. The programme is mapped against the Gatsby Benchmarks and CDI framework. An overview of the careers programme and activities is provided below.
Year 7 – Dare to Dream
Year 8 – Exploring my future
Year 9 – Focus on my future
Year 10 – Planning for my future
Year 11 – Deciding where and what next?
Career Activity Overview
CEIAG Documents
For our latest CEIAG Policy please CLICK HERE to visit our key policies page.
Provider Access Policy
Transition to Post-16 Destinations
Our students are fully supported in the Post-16 applications process through our Life Skills curriculum, ensuring that not only are their applications of the highest quality, but also that students choose destinations that are appropriate to their level of ability. We have strong links with all of our local post-16 providers who offer our students ‘taster days’, workshops and events to allow students to experience post-16 life before they make their final decisions. A range of Post-16 providers also send representatives to Parents’ Evenings and career events and give presentations to our students during their weekly Year 11 assemblies.
Extra provision is also provided through the local authority for students who may need more intensive, personalised and targeted support to ensure a successful transition.
Careers Advisor
The school employs a qualified Careers Advisor from 'Our Futures' who meets with every student in Year 10 or in Year 11 as part of a rolling programme. However, any student from any year can make an appointment though the library. Students are able to gain individualised advice and guidance on their proposed courses and routes post 16. The careers advisor can also be seen by any student at any time by simply making an appointment at the Library or by attending one of the drop-in sessions. Each student is provided with a bespoke Action Plan which is routinely updated after each meeting. It is also shared with parents.
The Careers Advisor also works closely with our most vulnerable students and is in attendance at key review meetings.
The Careers Advisor can be emailed directly on
Achievement Team
Ms Slinger leads the schools Achievement Team. A key focus of their work is to ensure all but more especially our disadvantaged students are encouraged to go beyond. The team help to organise and track aspirational workshops, meaningful encounters with employers and employability events.
We always looking for representatives of local business, alumni, parents and community members to come and talk to our students about their career experiences, or offer workplace visits.
If you are interested in taking part in a workshop please contact:
Measuring Impact
The impact of the careers programme is reported in a number of ways.
We work closely with the LA and capture destinations data as per the agreed timeline – November, March and June. This data is also reported to the Governors in the Destinations Leadership Report each term and the impact of our work on NEETS, RPA and destinations is closely analysed.
All the careers events are measured for impact and feedback is taken regularly from participating students, staff and organisations delivering the events. The results are used to inform subsequent work by the Achievement team and the Enrichment lead and develop our careers programme.
Quality Awards
Following an application and assessment, Chorlton High School are delighted to have received re-accreditation for the national Quality in Careers Standard for the next 3 years [from July 2022]
This is in recognition of our excellent careers education, information, advice and guidance provision incorporating Gatsby Benchmarks. This was awarded by Inspiring IAG, which is a Licensed Awarding Body for the national standard.