Updated Friday 19th April 2024
We wanted to update all parents with key information for Summer term.
This half term we continue to recognise, celebrate and develop all our CHS Scholars. This week, we have spoken to students about the scholarly habits that we want them to practice in every lesson, every day this half term. We have highlighted how these habits will support them in learning more and remembering more.
Scholar Habit 1 - ORGANISATION- Strong Starts
A strong start ensures that students engage in purposeful learning quickly and sets them up for a successful lesson.
- Arrive on time
- Get started on your recall activity immediately. Work hard at it because it supports your long-term learning.
- 100% effort and organisation in your book - work hard, update contents page, underline titles, update glossary.
Scholar Habit 2 - ATTENTION - ask and answer questions.
Asking and answering questions makes students active in their learning, thus helping them to learn more deeply.
- Be prepared to answer questions.
- Ask questions when you do not understand something, or you want to find out more.
- Show respect to others by listening to their responses and questions.
Please discuss the scholar habits with your child. Ask them where their strengths are, where their areas for development are and what they can do to improve this half term.
Parent Communication
We also wanted to take this opportunity to remind you about our fortnightly newsletter – ‘Chorlton Connection’. This is one of the main ways that we communicate with home, updating parents about what our students have been working on and the school has achieved over the past couple of weeks.
In addition to this we have our virtual Parental Information Evenings for parents of students in Years 7-10. These will take place on the following dates:
Year 7 and Year 10 will take place at 5:30 pm on Monday, 13th May.
Year 8 and Year 9 will take place at 5:30 pm on Tuesday 14th May.
We will send the links to these meetings closer to the time. If you are unable to attend the meetings will be recorded, put on our website for you to view in your own time. They can be found here: https://www.chorltonhigh.manchester.sch.uk/parents/parental-information-evenings
A reminder: We want to make sure the information shared at the Parental Information Evenings is useful for parents. In the next meetings we will be sharing details about the second round of Progress Tests. However, it would also be great if parents can let us know of any areas they may want to know more about or questions they need answering. With this in mind, we have set up a form for you to log this information and we will use this when we prepare for this evening.
To offer your suggestions, please add this link into your browser: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=yIDyozGCLEWuxbl4I6sUrTRmfAAu9I5BsJhMiRvnz7RUQUtNT0VHMzBGT1pVWENFQUVBTVY0NjUwUi4u
The other key event taking place this half term is Year 7 Parents’ Evening. This will take place in school on Thursday 9th May and it starts at 4pm and finishes at 6:30pm. Further information will be shared with Year 7 parents and carers over the course of this half term.
Updated Friday 5th January 2024
We wanted to update all parents with key information for the half term ahead. Over the course of next week, we will be running virtual Parental Information Evenings for all Year groups. The dates and times for these are below:
Year 7: Wednesday 10th January at 5:30pm
Year 8: Wednesday 10th January at 5:30pm
Year 9: Tuesday 9th January at 5:30pm
Year 10: Wednesday 10th January at 5:30pm
Year 11: Tuesday 9th January at 5:30pm
As we mentioned in our communication last half term, these meetings will focus on some of the key aspects of your child’s school experience over the Spring term. Links for these online meetings will be sent out next week.
For Years 7- 10, Progress Tests will start week beginning Monday 15th January and will last for a two week period. Students have received all the information needed for the progress tests. If parents would like further information, this can be found on our website using the following link: https://chorltonhigh.manchester.sch.uk/student-life/assessment-and-reporting/year-7-9-progress-tests
On Thursday 11th January we are holding a Year 9 Options Evening for all Year 9 parents and students to attend. There will be a presentation for that will start in the theatre at 6pm. There will also be the opportunity for parents and students to gather further information about the KS4 qualifications available to them from all the subject areas.
We also wanted to share some really impressive information about the astounding work students, across all Year groups, completed as part of their Community Pledge. As you are aware, each Year group supports charities throughout the year. The aim of the Community Pledge is to understand and raise awareness of current issues around the world. In response to the conflict in the Middle East, last term the whole school raised just under £1000 for Choose Love and UNICEF, who support children and families in conflict around the world, particularly displaced people. Students ran some fantastic charity drives including bake sales, jewellery making, candy cane deliveries and charity football matches. We are incredibly proud of our students’ empathy and community spirit and their endless drive to make a difference.
Just a reminder, we are currently working towards renewing our LPPA Award. The Leading Parent Partnership Award is a nationally recognised award, achieved by schools who collaborate closely with parents and families. It helps makes our work with families more effective, improves communication and engagement. This leads to improved student progress, behaviour attendance and punctuality. The award framework encourages parents to be more involved in school life and their children’s learning leading to improved outcomes in all aspects of school life.
As we are at the beginning of a new term I would like remind parents not to drive into the car park at key times of the day; between 8.00 to 8.45am and 2.15 to 3pm. During the autumn term again we experienced a high volume of parking on double yellow lines or making unsafe manoeuvres in the streets close by. Please encourage your children to have a healthy start and end to the day, making their way to and from school independently. This way we would be making the streets in our local community safer from both a road safety and an air pollution perspective.
Updated Tuesday 12th December 2023
School closes for the Christmas holiday on Friday 15th December at 2pm. It will reopen for students at 8am on Thursday 4th January 2023.
Updated Tuesday 5th December 2023
We are pleased to annouce that the winner of the Parent Governor Election is Sharmishtha Ghangrekar. Thank you to all the candidates who were nominated, all parents who voted and took part in this election.
Updated Tuesday 31st October 2023
We currently have one vacancy for a Parent Governor to serve on the Governing Body of Chorlton High School.
Any parent of student a currently registered at Chorlton High School is eligible to stand for election.
If you are interested in standing for election, you must complete a nomination form and return it the school by 8am on Tuesday 14th November 2023. Anyone standing for election must be proposed and seconded by two other parents of children who currently attend Chorlton High School. All candidates must also write a brief statement outlining your skills and experiences to help parents to decide who to vote for. This statement will be circulated to all parents as part of the voting process.
All election information, including nomination forms, were emailed to parents on Tuesday 31st October. If you did not receive the email, please contact the school office and we will resend this to you.
Remember, decisions taken by the Governing Body will affect your child’s future education. To make sure you have a voice in that decision making, please make every effort to take part in these elections.
Updated Thursday 12th October 2023
We are currently working towards renewing our LPPA Award.
The Leading Parent Partnership Award is a nationally recognised award, achieved by schools who collaborate closely with parents and families. It helps makes our work with families more effective, improves communication and engagement. This leads to improved student progress, behaviour attendance and punctuality. The award framework encourages parents to be more involved in school life and their children’s learning leading to improved outcomes in all aspects of school life.
Updated Friday 2nd October 2023
Letters from Head of Year have been sent out to all parents (via email) today.
Updated Friday 8th September 2023
Dear Parent/Guardian,
It has been lovely to welcome back all the students to school this week, including our new Year 7 students who are starting their high school careers.
At the start of the new year we would also like to congratulate all of the students who have contributed to the school’s excellent GCSE results. We know that nationally GCSE results have fallen across the country this year. However, we are delighted to inform you that this has not been the case in our school and we have seen the hard work of our young people being rewarded.
GCSEs are graded on a numerical scale for all subject areas ranging from grade 9 (high attainment) to 1. The examinations are designed to assess a more demanding curriculum. Under this system a student with a grade 4 will achieve a ‘standard pass’ whilst those with a grade 5 will achieve a ‘strong pass’. A grade 4 or above is equivalent to a grade C and will have currency for individual students as they progress to further study and employment. We are delighted to report that 77% of our students achieved the Basics measure in Maths and English GCSEs, securing for themselves a brilliant springboard into further education.
As a school who is proud to be comprehensive, it is important that we have seen students of all abilities leave with a strong set of qualifications. 100% of the students who sat their exams left with GCSEs, with 80% achieving at least one grade 4. Students have again secured outstanding success rates at the highest grades. A grade 7 is equivalent to a grade A, and we were extremely pleased that well over half of our students achieved at least one grade at this high level. The new grade 9, which is thought to be awarded to only a small number of students nationally, was awarded to 59 students at Chorlton High - which is a phenomenal achievement!
We were very much aware that this year’s examinations provided students with greater levels of challenge and we do not underestimate the pressure of GCSE courses. We do believe that this is down to the way students are working throughout their years at school, not just at the end of Year 11. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our students, our incredibly dedicated staff and our supportive parents for all the hard work that went into achieving such excellent results. Well done everyone!
As we start back this year, we will be spending time and reminding students about the importance of getting themselves into effective learning routines, which we refer to as the CHS Scholar Habits. This week we have focused on attention and organisation of learning in books with Year 8 -11 and organisation only with Year 7. Hopefully, they will show their exercise books to you over the coming weeks, and you will support us by celebrating excellent organisation and work. In a few weeks we will be giving additional reminders about your child’s home study routine, setting up regular times and good routines for home learning which helps them get into good study habits. This will hopefully enable them to feel confident and prepared as they approach any assessments themselves in the future.
Of course, school is not all about exams, and we wish to ensure that all students get involved with the extra-curricular clubs, enrichment opportunities and their work on the CHS Community pledge. Each term an online extra-curricular booklet is produced which lists after school clubs. Previously this has been available in paper form, however this year, in line with our sustainability drive, it will be posted on the website. All extra-curricular clubs are free of charge and must be booked via Arbor. Further information on this will be emailed next week. Over the past few years our students have been remarkable at driving social actions projects, last year our Year 9 students raised over £1000 for their charity, the cost-of-living crisis. I eagerly await to hear from the council about the causes that they wish to adopt for the year ahead.
Next week, the parental information evening, led by individual year teams, will take place virtually. As part of these meetings, we will share information about the key aspects of school, including but not limited to:
• Key curriculum information (including the Pastoral Curriculum)
• The Academic Drive
• Revision Strategies
• Assessment processes
• Parents’ evenings and communication
• Extra-curricular activities
• Digital safety
Please see a below a reminder of times for these virtual meetings – links to attend them will be sent separately.
• Year 7: Wednesday, 13th September at 4:30pm
• Year 8: Wednesday, 13th September at 4:30pm
• Year 9: Tuesday, 12th September at 4:30pm
• Year 10: Wednesday, 13th September at 4:30pm
• Year 11: Tuesday, 12th September at 4:30pm
We are looking forward to working with students and parents in the year ahead to maintain and improve the already high standards in the school across the academic, pastoral and extra-curricular areas. Our relationship with parents is a vital part of the success of the school, and in advance of the new school year I would like to thank parents for their ongoing support and feedback.
Yours sincerely
Ms. Z Morris
Updated Wednesday 28th June 2023
Dear Parent/Carer,
I write to give you further information regarding the on-going National Education Union (NEU) industrial action and its impact on our school.
The national planned days of action are to be held on Wednesday 5th and Friday 7th July 2023. Unfortunately, on these days it will be necessary to close the school to all students across all Year groups, and as a result all parents and carers will have to make alternative arrangements for the care of their children on both these days. The decision to close the school is as a direct result of the numbers of teachers involved in the industrial action; with the numbers of staff we are anticipating not being in school we CANNOT provide safe levels of supervision for all the students in our care or operate safely.
As the school timetable was already reorganised to provide Extended Learning Experience (ELE) days we are able to still run a number of educational visits, where we can fulfil the health and safety requirements. In addition to this there are a small group of Year 10 students who are completing GCSE NEAs (non-examined assessments) in identified subjects that we have prioritised.
Therefore, the different arrangements for each Year group are:
Wednesday 5th July - Strike Day | ||
Year 7 |
Year 8 |
Year 9 |
Year 10 |
Thursday 6th July - Non-Strike Day | |||
Year 7 |
Year 8 |
Year 9 |
Year 10 |
Friday 7th July - Strike Day | ||
Year 7 |
Year 8 |
Year 9 |
Year 10 |
A range of online learning opportunities will be scheduled for all students who are not in school. Details of these will be sent home to parents and placed on students’ MS Teams accounts by Tuesday 4th July.
Many of our students are entitled to a free school meal. To facilitate this entitlement the school will offer a hot school meal or a packed lunch to any student who is eligible. They should come to school at 12.15pm and will then be expected to return home at 12.45pm. A separate communication will be sent to parents of children entitled to free school meals, asking which option you would prefer. We would ask that you notify us of your intention by the end of school on Monday 3rd July so we can plan accordingly.
If there is any change to the situation, for example if the NEU calls off the industrial action, we will contact parents.
I want to apologise in advance for the disruption that these two days of action will cause to yourselves and our students. I know that it is extremely disappointing at this time in the school year when students have looked forward to the wider ELE events. As a school we have tried to limit the disruption to students’ education, basing the decision on the guidance issued to schools in relation to the industrial action, as well as health and safety guidance for educational visits.
Yours sincerely,
Ms. Z. Morris,
Updated Friday 31st March 2023
The school is closed now for the two week Easter break. The school will re-open for all students on Tuesday 18th April 2023 at 8.20am.
Updated Thursday 9th March 2023
Dear Parent/Carer,
I write to give you further information regarding the National Education Union (NEU) industrial action at Chorlton High School. This is related to the advanced notification that I alerted you to in January. This strike action is happening because of an ongoing national dispute between the union and the government, and not because of issues at our school.
The third and fourth planned days of action are to be held on Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th March 2023. Unfortunately, on these days it will be necessary to close the school to all students in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10. As a result all parents and carers will have to make alternative arrangements for the care of their children on these days. This is as a direct result of the numbers of teachers involved in industrial action and the effect of this on the school’s ability to provide safe levels of supervision for the students in our care.
Students in Year 11 should continue to attend school where lessons will continue where able and supervised self-study will be arranged where this is not possible. The school day will start at 9am on these days.
Many of our students are entitled to a free school meal. To accommodate this entitlement the school will be able to offer a school meal to all students on free school meals between 12.15pm and 12.45pm each day. Unfortunately, all students who attend school for their lunch will have to be sent home again at 12.45 pm. Alternatively a packed lunch can be available for students to collect from the dining room as they leave school on Tuesday afternoon. A separate communication will be sent to parents of children entitled to free school meals, asking which option you would prefer. We would ask that you notify us of your intention by the end of school on Monday 13th March.
A range of online learning opportunities are available for those students who are not able to attend school. These have previously been sent to parents and are also student’s MS Teams areas.
The school will reopen to all students on Friday 17th March 2023 and will operate a normal school day.
If there is any change to the situation, for example if the NEU calls off the industrial action, we will contact parents.
I apologise for the disruption that these days of action will cause to yourselves and our students. As a school we have tried to limit the disruption to students’ education, however, I have based my decision on the guidance that has been issued to us as a school.
Yours sincerely,
Ms. Z. Morris,
Updated Friday 27th January 2023
Dear Parent/Carer,
I write to give you further information regarding the National Education Union (NEU) industrial action at Chorlton High School. This strike action is happening because of a national dispute between the union and the government, and not because of issues at our school.
The first planned day of action is to be held on Wednesday 1st February 2023. Unfortunately, on this day it will be necessary to close the school to all students in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10. As a result, parents and carers of these Year groups will have to make alternative arrangements for the care of their children on this day. This is a direct result of the numbers of teachers involved in industrial action and the effect of this on the school’s ability to provide safe levels of supervision for the students in our care.
Students in Year 11 should continue to attend school, where lessons will continue where able and supervised self-study will be arranged where this is not possible. The school day will start at 9am on this day.
Many of our students are entitled to a free school meal. To accommodate this entitlement the school will be able to offer a school meal to all students on free school meals between 12.15pm and 12.45pm. Unfortunately, all students who attend school for their lunch will have to be sent home again at 12.45pm. Alternatively a packed lunch can be made available for students to collect as they leave school on Tuesday afternoon. A separate communication will be sent to parents of children entitled to free school meals, asking which option you would prefer. We would ask that you notify us of your intention by the end of school on Monday 30th January 2023.
A range of online learning opportunities are available for those students who are not able to attend school. They are detailed in the attachment with this notification.
The school will reopen to all students on Thursday 2nd February 2023 and will operate a normal school day.
I apologise for the disruption that this day of action will cause to yourselves and our students. As a school we have tried to limit the disruption to students’ education, however, I have based my decision on the guidance that has been issued to us as a school.
Yours sincerely,
Ms. Z. Morris,
Updated Friday 2nd December 2022
Over the coming week, we will be sharing with students some information regarding progress tests, which will take place between Monday 16th January and Friday 27th January. Students should use the next two weeks and the two weeks after the Christmas break to get themselves prepared.
Next week, students will receive a Home Study booklet that will include a test timetable (that they need to fill in), a study planner to help them organise their home study, revision lists, and key vocabulary that they need to know in each subject. Students will be receiving support and information in assemblies, lessons and form time on how to hone their home study habits.
To support you with this, we want to share our student walkthrough which we have been using to guide students through effective home study habits. Please click on the link below. https://www.chorltonhigh.manchester.sch.uk/student-life/home-learning
Next week, we will share the study booklet with you, along with another video tutorial on how to use the booklet to practice good study habits and to effectively prepare for the Progress Tests.
Updated Tuesday 8th November 2022
It was a delight to welcome students back last week. It has been impressive to see the huge effort our Year 11s have already put into revising for their college entry mock exams this week. They have approached them with a mature attitude and shown real resilience. As we move through the week, we know Year 11 will continue to work hard on completing these to the best of their ability.
This half term, as part of their Pastoral Curriculum, students will also be taking part in raising awareness and fundraising for their charity pledge. Each Year group will focus on a different charity and cause. It is a great opportunity for students to develop their empathy skills further on a local, national, and global level. We look forward to seeing all the great things each Year group decides to do to support this very worthy cause.
We also wanted to draw your attention to an opportunity run by Manchester City Council regarding student online safety. It will be a series of parent workshops which will run throughout this school year, starting this term. This means if you cannot join at this time, there will be another opportunity. Information regarding the first session is below:
Workshop for parents of secondary school students
Workshop Date: Thursday 17th November
Time: 6.30-7.30pm
To join this special workshop please find below the link for the session https://tinyurl.com/2p8zw8xb
Updated Friday 21st October 2022
We would like to wish all parents and students a lovely half term break.
Please remember the school reopens for students on Tuesday 1st November.
All Year groups should be ready to start school at 8.30am.
Updated Friday 14th October 2022
As we are nearing the end of the half term, we wanted to share some of the things we have been focusing on with our young people to ensure maximum success and pride in their learning.
This half term we have been developing our CHS Scholars focus, by explicitly teaching students some effective habits for learning. We have focused on 2 Scholar habits this half term.
- Organising our learning in our exercise books.
- Paying attention like a STAR.
We would really appreciate you spending some time looking at your child’s books and supporting them with the 4 key steps in organising their learning:
1) Start every lesson equipped – bring your pencil case, update your contents page, read and review previous learning.
2) Take pride in your book – maximum effort at all times, best handwriting and stick all loose sheets in.
3) Extend your notes – add extra notes in key point box, use highlighters to emphasise key learning.
4) Prepare to progress – read and review learning regularly, use your book as a revision tool.
We have also been emphasising the importance of ‘Paying attention like a star’, where students are encouraged to sit up straight, track their teacher when they are speaking, ask and answer questions and demonstrate respect. We have spoken to students about how paying attention is the first step to aide information going into their short-term memory and that without doing it effectively, they are not going to learn deeply.
We appreciate your support discussing with your child the importance of continually working on these two important habits for learning and constantly striving to be their very best!
As a school we want our students to understand why outstanding attendance is so important and we wanted to share this information with you as well.
Many of our students attend school 100% of the time and we value this because we know the positive impact it has on them. Attending school isn’t just valuable in terms of learning, developing friendships, feeling a sense of belonging, and understanding the power of routines, it is essential for future success.
Strong attendance is directly linked to improved exam performance which in turn leads to further learning opportunities at college or in an apprenticeship and better job prospects. When students regularly attend school their grades and reading skills improve dramatically no matter what their starting points. They feel more connected to the community which helps work through anxiety issues, and they develop strong social skills which are important for every walk of life.
Students with an average of 90% attendance across their school career adds up to them missing one full year of education. More importantly though are the small percentiles. For example, we identified that last year students who attended 95% of the time were successful in their final exams and made progress around third of a grade higher than was expected of them. However, those students who attend school a little more, on 98% attendance (which means they have missed 4 days or less over the school year), achieve nearly a whole grade higher across all subjects than was expected of them. It really shows how much every day can count.
We can say from research, and our own historical figures, that if your child is in school 98% of the time or more they will perform better, have stronger ties to their friends and the community and will build up key life skills of resilience, optimism, responsibility, and empathy, amongst others, all the while moving faster and further academically than any other group of students in the school.
We urge parents to remember that attendance matters, always. Students should be aiming for 98% attendance or more. It is important that students do not have the odd Friday off, you don’t book term time holidays and, where possible, appointments are outside of school hours – this will give your child the best opportunity to get the most out of their 11-year journey through education.
The routines that you put in place now will reap huge benefits for our children in the future.
Travel Safety
At this point during the school year I feel that is important to write to you to regarding students’ safety on their travel to and from school. Over the next week students will be given safety messages in assembly and via their form tutor. This is prompted by some concerns locally.
Please can I ask you to remind your son/daughter about the importance of personal safety as they travel to and from school. In particular, they should not walk home alone through the park or other areas that may be considered short cuts. I know that many students will be aware of ‘stranger danger’ , and although they are older now they need to ensure that they do not to stop to talk to any strangers they may meet and should ignore any drivers who might slow down to speak to them. If they have any specific concerns they should talk to a member of staff at the school.
I am sorry if the above messages seem a little basic. I do not wish for any student to encounter any unpleasant experiences as they travel to and from school so your support in this matter would be very much appreciated.
Updated Monday 12th September 2022
The Department for Education has announced that schools in England will close on Monday 19th September. This is the official date of the Queen’s State Funeral, which has been declared a formal bank holiday as a mark of respect.
Updated Friday 9th September 2022
It has been lovely to welcome back all the students to school this week, including our new Year 7 students who are starting their high school careers.
As we start this new year, we would also like to congratulate all of the students who have contributed to the school’s excellent GCSE results. After such a turbulent few years we have been really pleased to see the hard work of our young people being rewarded.
As you may be aware the GCSE grade scale is between 1 to 9 (high attainment), this replaced the A* to G scale. Under this new system, a student with a grade 4 will achieve a ‘standard pass’ whilst those with a grade 5 will achieve a ‘strong pass’. A grade 4 or above is equivalent to a grade C and above and will have currency for individual students as they progress to further study and employment. We are delighted to report that 79% of our students achieved the Basics measure in Maths and English GCSEs, securing for themselves a brilliant springboard into further education.
As a school who is proud to be comprehensive, it is important that we have seen students of all abilities leave with a strong set of qualifications. 100% of the students who sat their exams left with GCSEs, with 93% achieving at least one grade 4. Students have again secured outstanding success rates at the highest grades. A grade 7 is equivalent to a grade A, and we were extremely pleased that 187 of our students achieved at least one grade at this high level. The new grade 9, which is thought to be awarded to only a small number of students nationally, was awarded to 80 students at Chorlton High - which is a phenomenal achievement!
We were very much aware that this year’s examinations provided students with greater levels of challenge and we do not underestimate the pressure of these new GCSE courses. Many subjects have more exams than in previous years, and in all subjects what is expected of students has risen. However, I am very pleased to report to you that the results achieved were the best in the school’s history, and well above national averages. We do believe that this is down to the way students are working throughout their years at school, and through their online learning, not just at the end of Year 11. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our students, our incredibly dedicated staff and our supportive parents for all the hard work that went into achieving such excellent results. Well done everyone!
As we start back, we will be reminding students of getting themselves into ‘healthy learning habits’ in respect of their home learning and home study. Students are told that to achieve well they should follow a regular routine to complete any home learning tasks that are assigned to them via MS Teams. Ultimately students will be using Teams to access lessons from home, as well as revision and study materials. We will be sharing information with students in form time and holding an induction session with Year 7 over the next few weeks. Setting up good regular times and routines for home learning helps students get into good study habits, and hopefully stops them feeling overwhelmed as they approach any exams.
Of course, school isn’t all about exams, and we wish to ensure that all students get involved with extra-curricular clubs, enrichment opportunities and their work on the CHS Community pledge. Each term an extra-curricular booklet is produced which lists after school clubs. This will be posted on our website and promoted to students in the next few weeks. Over the past few years our students have been remarkable at driving social actions projects, and I look forward to hearing from the Student Council about the causes that they wish to adopt for the year ahead. Our sustainability drive will also continue this term, with a particular focus on the reduction of single use plastics over the next few months. As requested by the Student Council, we are now removing the sale of plastic bottles, and in light of this we have asked that students bring in a refillable water bottle to school.
Arbor/School Gateway
As you are aware, we will be moving parents’ payments from School Gateway to Arbor. From Tuesday 13th September if you wish to put money your child’s account this will need to be done through Arbor. Further guidance about how to do this will be sent out on this day. For Year 8-11 parents, this means you will continue to update your child’s account using School Gateway until this date. For Year 7 parents, you will be able to pay for the previous money spent before this day by your child at school and then add additional funds for the remaining week / half term. The move from one system to another has been complex and at times frustrating. There will still be a period of embedding the new system, but we are all looking forward to having a more stable situation moving forward. Thank you so much for your patience and support in respect of this matter.
Parent Information evenings
We wanted to let you know about the virtual Parent’s Information Evenings taking place next week. Links for each of the virtual evenings will be sent out on the day of the event. Dates and time for each Year group can be found below:
• Year 7: Tuesday, 13th September - 5pm
• Year 8: Thursday, 15th September - 6pm
• Year 9: Tuesday, 13th September - 6pm
• Year 10: Wednesday, 14th September - 5pm
• Year 11: Wednesday, 14th September - 6pm
School car park
I would like remind parents not to drive into the car park at key times of the day; between 8.00 to 8.45am and 2.15 to 3pm. Unfortunately, this week we have experienced a high volume of cars parking on double yellow lines or making unsafe manoeuvres in the streets close by. Again, we would like to repeat the request to support students to have a healthy start to the day, making their way to school independently. This way we would be making the streets in our local community safer from both a road safety and an air pollution perspective.
Finally, we have respectfully discussed the passing of Queen Elizabeth II in school today and will continue to do so over the next week. We are fully aware that such events can upset young people and may trigger emotions that link to their life experiences. If this is the case and you are concerned about your child please contact their Head of Year in the first instance.
We look forward to working with students and parents in the year ahead to maintain and improve the already high standards the school has across the academic, pastoral and extra-curricular areas. Our relationship with parents is a vital part of the success of the school, and in advance of the new school year I would like to thank parents for their ongoing support and feedback.
Updated Monday 5th September 2022
Next week we are running a parental information evening for each Year group.
This will be a virtual meeting, taking place for each Year group as stated below:
Year 7: Tuesday, 13th September - 5pm
Year 8: Thursday, 15th September - 6pm
Year 9: Tuesday, 13th September - 6pm
Year 10: Wednesday, 14th September - 5pm
Year 11: Wednesday, 14th September - 6pm
During the meeting we will go over key aspects of school, including:
• Key curriculum information (including the Pastoral Curriculum)
• The Academic Drive
• Revision Strategies
• Assessment schedule
• Parents’ evenings and communication
• Extra-curricular activities
• Digital safety
We are interested to hear from parents about anything else they feel they would be beneficial to cover during this session. Please find to follow a very short survey, where you can provide your feedback. Please ensure you respond to this survey by Friday 9th September.
Year 7 Survey - https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/Y7InfoEve22
Year 8 Survey - https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/Y8InfoEve22
Year 9 Survey - https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/Y9InfoEve22
Year 10 Survey - https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/Y10InfoEve22
Year 11 Survey - https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/Y11InfoEve22
Links for virtual meetings will be sent out on the day of each of the Year group meetings.
Updated Thursday 1st September 2022
As we near the start of term we wanted to remind you about the plans we have put in place for the return of school. We are looking forward to welcoming our students in September ready for what we know will be a great year. Please see below a reminder of what this information includes.
Summary of information covered in this letter:
1. The start of term plan
2. Key update on adding money for school lunches to your child’s account
3. Timetable overview for September 2022
4. Uniform and equipment expectations.
5. Student Attendance
6. Medical Conditions
7. Key dates for your diary
1. The start of term: All students will return on Monday, 5th September 2022
Year 7 should arrive at 8:20-8:30
Students will arrive via reception on their first day and will line up with their form tutor in the playground. To identify where to line up, students should use their colour given during induction day. If your child does not remember this colour we will have staff around with lists to remind them.
Years 11 should arrive at 8.50 - 9.00 to line up in the playground
Year 8 – 10 should arrive at 9.20 - 9.30 to line up in the playground
2. Adding money for school lunches to your child’s account
This year we will be moving our payment system over to Arbor from School Gateway. We had been promised that this process would happen during the summer holidays, however we have been informed that there has been a delay and this will now not happen until 13th September. We apologise for this situation.
For parents in Year 8 - 11 who already have a School Gateway account you will be able to add money onto this account in the same way that you had prior to the holidays, and the balance of this will move over to Arbor on the 13th.
For parents of Year 7 students, rather than ask you to sign up to a payment system for one week, we will enable students to access their lunches for the first week, and then you will be able to pay for them the following week when the system goes live.
Details of how to register on Arbor will be communicated at a later date.
3. Timetable overview for September 2022 for all students
Timings Activity
8.30 Line up
8:30 – 9:00 Form time
9:00 – 10:00 Period 1
10:00 – 11:15 Period 2 – including a 15-minute break which will be staggered in Year groups.
11:15 – 12:15 Period 3
12:15 – 13:45 Period 4 - including a 30 minute lunch break which will be staggered in Year groups.
13:45 – 14:45 Period 5
14:45 End of day
4. Uniform and equipment expectations
Full details can be found on the website:https://www.chorltonhigh.manchester.sch.uk/parents/school-uniform. Each Year group will continue to wear their specific tie. Students going into Year 8-10 should, therefore, return wearing the ties that they were given this year. If students have lost their ties, they will be able to purchase them from Monkhouse John McHugh or from the school in September at a cost of £4.50. Year 7 students will be given their ties on their first day of school at no cost to the parent.
Starting in September all year groups will be able to access the PE changing rooms for their lesson, therefore they will need to bring their PE kits on the days that they have PE and/or Dance.
Students will need to ensure that they bring their own equipment for lessons. They will need a pencil case with the full range of stationary. It is advisable that students have as a minimum: 2 pens, a pencil and a ruler. It would be helpful, but not compulsory, if students also had pencil crayons, a small glue stick and mathematical equipment.
Students also need to ensure that they have a bag where they can keep their books and required equipment.
This year we aim to further reduce the use of single use plastics in the school. Our first focus in September is to stop selling plastic bottles. We would therefore like to request that students bring a refillable water bottle to school.
5. Student Attendance
It is expected that all students will be in school full time. The school day starts for all students at 8.30. It is important that they are on time and ready to learn.
We ask that usual attendance procedures are followed for any absence; please telephone the attendance line before 8:30am - 0161 882 1182.
Please can we remind all parents that students make their way to school independently and are not dropped off. This way we will be making the streets in our local community safer, from both an air pollution and a road safety perspective. We have previously asked that parents respect the fact that our car park is not designed as a drop off or pick up zone, and that you do not drive into the car park at key times of the day; between 8.00 to 8.45am and 2.15 to 3pm to keep our students safe. Local residents also regularly share concerns that they observe parking on double yellow lines or cars making unsafe manoeuvres in the streets close by.
6. Medical Conditions
Every term we routinely update our medical records and the same applies for September. If your child has a medical condition that has been recently diagnosed or that the condition around it has changed please inform the school before they return to school. Or you can log this using Arbor.
7. Key dates for your diary
During the second week, Year Teams will be hosting virtual Parental Information Evenings for each year group where we will share key information with parents. We will email the dates and times of these evenings early next week.
Updated Monday 28th February 2022
As you will be aware the Government made some changes last week that effects how schools need to operate in light of Covid-19.
This is a summary of the recommendation for parents:
Children and young people with COVID-19 should not attend their education setting while they are infectious.
• If you have COVID-19 you can infect other people from 2 days before your symptoms start, and for up to 10 days after. You can pass on the infection to others, even if you have mild symptoms or no symptoms at all. If you have COVID-19 you should stay at home and avoid contact with other people.
• The main symptoms of COVID-19 are a recent onset of any of the following: a new continuous cough, a high temperature or a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia). If you have any of these symptoms you should order a PCR test which can be ordered through this link: https://www.gov.uk/get-coronavirus-test . You are advised to stay at home and avoid contact with other people while you are waiting for the test result.
• As a result of the above guidance children who display symptoms of Covid will be sent home from school and should order a PCR test. Those students who test positive for Covid should follow the stay at home guidance.
• Further information is available from the NHS: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/symptoms/coronavirus-in-children/
• They may take an LFD test from 5 days after their symptoms started (or the day their test was taken if they did not have symptoms) followed by another one the next day. If both these tests results are negative, they should return to their educational setting if they normally attend one, as long as they feel well enough to do so and do not have a temperature.
Regular Testing at home.
• The Department for Education has stated that from 21st February 2022, students in secondary schools are not expected to continue taking part in regular asymptomatic testing (LFT). Students should keep hold of their current supply of lateral flow tests so that they can use them in the event of developing Covid symptoms in the future.
• School will no longer be receiving regular supplies of LFT kits; however, we do have a small supply if any student requires them over the next few weeks. If this is the case, students can obtain these from Students Services.
• In there is a rise in cases locally or an outbreak, a school may also be advised by their local health team or Director of Public Health to undertake testing for staff and students of secondary age and above for a period of time. If this is the case we will contact parents.
Updated Friday 18th February 2022
When students return next half term they will be completing their progress tests or mock exams (Year 11). All information needed for this has already been shared with students and is also on our website:
Year 11 - https://www.chorltonhigh.manchester.sch.uk/student-life/assessment-and-reporting/year-11-mock-exams
Year 7-10 - https://www.chorltonhigh.manchester.sch.uk/student-life/assessment-and-reporting/year-7-9-progress-tests
After the half term we will be making some changes that we wish to inform parents about.
As our Year 7 and 8 parents will be aware, students have been using a temporary space at lunch time, however, the first day back we will be moving these Year groups into the main canteen. Whilst this will mean they will be sharing the main space with one other Year group, they will still be lining up within Year groups, sitting on their own side of the canteen whilst eating and will remain in the same section of the playground designated for their Year group when they have finished lunch. This is a cautious but positive move as we begin to look forward to enabling the Year groups to share communal spaces and experiences again. Students have been informed about this change.
The regularity of communication over the last two years increased as we felt it was important to keep parents up to date with the many changes that have taken place during this time. As we move into next half term and hope that we will have less change to respond to, we want to return to our usual half termly Year group letter and our two weekly Chorlton Connection newsletter. We feel this will make communication more purposeful and more easily referenced by parents.
We wish to thank parents for their support with all the changes in respect of public health measures. When we start back, we will no longer require students to wear face coverings in school. We understand that some students may wish to continue to wear them and we will support them in doing so. We are mindful that the situation may change, and if this is the case then we will inform parents.
Updated Friday 4th February 2022
This year, as in previous years, we have celebrated Time to Talk day. This took place on Thursday 3rd February 2022. We encouraged our students to consider mental health issues, working as a community to focus on it and not try and deal with things alone. As a school we have a clear process to support wellbeing and this can be found using the following link: https://www.chorltonhigh.manchester.sch.uk/student-life/mental-fitness-at-chorlton-high-school
We would like to remind parents of Years 7-10 that progress tests will take place early in Spring 2. Information about these will be sent home soon. Please use this to discuss the revision plan with your child. We are looking forward to working with our students on this very important subject over the course of next week.
Updated Friday 21st January 2022
Extracurricular clubs
Next week our extracurricular offer returns and once again we have lots on offer here for all students. Please do spend some time with your child going through the booklet to see if they want to join any of the clubs. To book your child onto a club, please do so via the School Gateway app.
To book a club you must:
- Go to the Clubs Tab on School Gateway – here you will see a list of Clubs that are available to your child.
- Click on the Club you want to book.
- Select the dates you want to book.
- Click on make booking and your booking will be completed.
Healthy reading habits
As a school we are also continuing with our focus on developing and embedding students’ reading habits. New form time novels have been launched to Years 7, 8 and 9 last week. Every Thursday each form spends their tutor session reading together.
This term the Year groups are reading the following books:
- Year 7 - ‘Boy 87’ by Ele Fountain
- Year 8 - ‘Black and British’ by David Olusoga
- Year 9 - ‘I am Malala’ by Malala Yousafzai
In addition to this group read on a Thursday, students should have a reading book in their bag at all times so that they can dip in whenever they get a chance. Tuesday form time is a perfect chance to indulge in some private reading.
If students have not yet visited the library this term, it is open after school for returning books and borrowing more. The library catalogue is also accessible through the Year team page on Microsoft Teams and students can reserve books online there. Twenty minutes of reading for pleasure each day is what we encourage students to aim for, as a minimum, in order to develop a reading habit and the library has a wealth of new titles and exciting reads to appeal to every reader.
Next week, we will be celebrating STEM and holding a week long festival that will incorporate many events and competitions for students to get involved in. We look forward to sharing these events with parents in our fortnightly newsletter ‘Chorlton Connection’ which will be sent out next Friday. Coming soon, we will also be issuing a Special STEM Edition of our careers@chorltonhigh Newsletter.
Year 9 Parents’ Evening
A reminder that on Thursday, 3rd February we will be running Year 9 Parents’ Evening virtually. Specific details about the evening have been sent to Year 9 parents already. We look forward to speaking to you then.
Face coverings
Following the announcement this week, we wanted to update parents that students are no longer required to wear face coverings in classrooms, however they may do so if they wish. Students and staff will still be required to wear them in communal areas, and this measure will be in place until we have further advice from our local Public Health team.
Updated Tuesday 4th January 2022
On site-testing for students as they return to school.
All students have been informed of their appointment dates and times for their Covid-19 test before their return to the classroom. This information was emailed to parents on 16th December. Please can parents check the information and ensure that their child attends the Green Room for testing. Students should not arrive too early as the appointment times ensure that this is a staggered approach. If parents have not yet consented - then please go to: https://www.chorltonhigh.manchester.sch.uk/parents/consent-form
Working on MS Teams
From Wednesday 5th January those Year groups who are learning from home, as they are await their Covid tests, will be able to access their lessons and additional work via MS Teams. This means that Years 8-10 should attend their virtual assembly on MS Teams at 8.30am on Wednesday morning; Year teams will help support students with their online learning and the organisation for the day ahead. On Thursday morning, Years 8 and 9 should do the same again - given the staggered return.
MS Teams will continue to be used in coming weeks so that any students who are absent due to self-isolation will then be able to access their work as teachers will upload all materials on the Teams site.
Face Coverings
As students return to school, they will be required to wear face coverings whilst in school. This will apply to classrooms as well communal area, as instructed by the Department of Education. We believe that this measure will be in place till at least 26th January, when it will be reviewed. Please can you make sure that students bring a face covering with them every day.
Students who are unwell
We ask that if your child is unwell or they have any symptoms then they do not attend school. The most recent information and guidance has changed over the past few weeks.
• The most common symptoms of the Omnicron variant are now reported as: a running nose, headaches, fatigue, sneezing and sore throats. This has widened from the classic three symptoms of ‘fever, cough, or loss of sense of smell or taste”, that we have all looked out for previously. If your child is displaying these symptoms, then it would be advisable to take a test.
• If students have Covid-19 they may be able to end their self-isolation period before the end of the 10 full days. They can take an lateral flow test (LFT) from 6 days after the day their symptoms started (or the day their test was taken if they did not have symptoms), and another LFD test on the following day (day 7). The second LFT test should be taken at least 24 hours later. If both these LFT test results are negative, and they do not have a high temperature, they may end self-isolation after the second negative test result and be able to attend school on Day 8.
• The LFD test results should be reported after each test at www.gov.uk/report-covid19-result
Regular LFT testing
Over the last half term, we really noticed how effective regular home testing by students was. This has enabled us to identify asymptomatic positive cases and, therefore, reduce transmission in schools. This approach will be vital over the next few weeks as we know that the transmission rates are very high and are rising in our community.
• We suggest that students continue to routinely take the self-test twice a week, on a Sunday evening before returning to school on Monday and again on a Wednesday evening. This will ensure a higher level of safety for everybody.
• When you have the result from the test please upload the results to www.gov.uk/report-covid19-result
o Please note that if your child tests positive on a home test – they need to go for a PCR test. This can be booked at: www.gov.uk/get-coronavirus-test
o Please also inform school of any positive result via attendance@chorltonhigh.manchester.sch.uk
Household contacts who are positive
If there is someone in your household with Covid-19, students are not legally required to self-isolate, however they are strongly advised to:
• take an LFT test every day for 7 days before they attend school, or until 10 days after the household member who has Covid-19 started their self-isolation period if this is earlier.
Contingency plan due to high levels of staff absence
We are concerned that there may come a point in the coming weeks where we are no longer able to offer full provision in school for all Year groups. Obviously, we will do our very best to avoid this situation, however, we also feel that it right to be open with parents about this as a potential issue.
If we are faced with this situation then we will be asking for one or two Year groups to work from home for a short period of time.
This decision will not be made lightly and will only be considered following discussion with the Trust and the Local Authority.
If this does happen, then classwork would be set via MS Teams and depending on staff absence, we would aim to deliver some live lessons each day in core subjects. We would strive to ensure that no Year group was impacted for more than one week at any one time. Where possible we would wish to protect Year 11 and keep them in school, due to the fact that they are in their examination year; equally we would try to maintain Year 7 attendance given they are our youngest students.
We have shared this contingency measure information with parents now to keep you informed. As stated, we will do everything we can to ensure our students remain in school fully over the coming weeks. Obviously due to the nature of illness we cannot foresee what will happen, and should the occasion arise the school will give parents as much notice as practically possible.
Updated Friday 3rd December
Our annual Musical which will be showing during the evening on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday next week. This year’s production is Hairspray. If you are interested in attending, limited tickets are available from the school Reception.
As we near the end of term, we want to update parents and carers about some important arrangements for the final week that you need to be aware of:
• On Thursday 16th December we will be having our Christmas Dinner Day. This will be observed in a socially distance manner (so it may well take us all day!) It is also our Christmas Accessories Day, when students can accessorise their uniform with a festive item, in return for a donation to their Year group charity.
• On Friday 17th December we have an early finish: all Year groups will finish at 1.45pm.
Announcements from the Department for Education summary and things to be mindful of:
Over the past week there have been several announcements from the Department of Education in light of developments in respect of Covid-19. Below is a summary changes and how these effect students.
Face Coverings:
Face Covering should be worn indoors by students. They may remove them for their lessons. We request that all students take responsibility for bringing these in each day. For any students who are struggling to obtain a face covering due to hardships issues, they should speak to their Head of Year who will provide them with a reusable mask that they can keep and bring in each day.
Testing at home:
We encourage all students to continue with their twice weekly lateral flow testing at home. This has been really successful in identifying when students are positive without showing any symptoms.
Contact Tracing and Isolation.
The current guidance remains in place. Close contacts of those testing positive do NOT need to self-isolate under normal circumstances. However, in a change to recent guidance, if you or your child receives the results of a PCR tests and is informed that it is the Omicron variant, then all close contacts must self-isolate for 10 days.
We will continue to follow the advice from our local Public Health team and will alert parents (via email) if their child has been a class with a student who has tested positive.
On site testing In January.
We have been informed that students will need to complete an onsite Covid-19 test again at the start of term in January, just as they did in September. The Department for Education have asked schools to this to prevent transmission following the holiday period. This will affect the times and dates that students return, as they will have to be tested before the return to school. This will, therefore, mean that we have a staggered return time for all students as we did at in September. We are currently awaiting some further details from the DfE regarding this process, and we will confirm with parents the time slots for each Year group/form as soon as possible.
Finally, we understand that putting in place such changes can be frustrating for us all. We are also acutely aware that we may have to make further changes as we respond to changing advice from the Department of Education and Public Health England. We will inform parents of any changes as soon as possible.
Updated Friday 19th November
Year 11 have now completed their college entry exams and teachers are in the process of marking this work. The Year group have worked hard for these exams. Now this work ethic must continue as we move through the feedback process and continue to forge ahead towards the February mocks and beyond. We have been really proud of how they have handled the exams. Those students who have some still to complete / catch up on will do so over the course of the next couple of weeks.
Progress checkpoints have started very well for Years 7 to 10. Students will continue to take these over the course of next week. If you or your child wants more detailed information for any of the checkpoints, please see our website using the following link:
This week we have hosted COVID-19 vaccinations in school. We wanted to let parents know that if your child was due to have this vaccination but was absent, this can be given at your local walk in centre. You can use the following link to find out where this is and the process for booking:
During this week in assembly, students have been reminded about the Mental Fitness provision that we have in school. Full details of this is are on the school website if parents would like to find out more about it. https://www.chorltonhigh.manchester.sch.uk/student-life/mental-fitness-at-chorlton-high-school
A reminder that Friday 26th November is an Inset Day so students will not be in school on this day.
Updated Friday 12th November
We wanted to inform parents of an update we have received from the Director of Public Health that advises schools to implement the following enhanced measures, over and above current government guidance from as soon as practically possible.
For our school there is little change, as we had already moved to the wearing of face coverings in communal areas. This means that students will be expected to continue to wear face coverings in communal areas until the Manchester Public Health team advise us otherwise.
It is clear that most of our students are now remembering to bring a face covering every day. We want to again encourage all students to use reusable face coverings. This will reduce the negative impact that disposable face coverings have on the environment. It is also important that students do bring their own as the school are handing out a large amount of disposable face coverings on a daily basis, which also has a financial impact on the school. We would hope to do this only in emergencies when students have forgotten their mask.
The other measure that Public Health have reiterated is that if there is a positive case in the household, close contacts in Key Stage 2 and above who are attending school are encouraged to carry out daily lateral flow testing for 10 days after the onset of symptoms (or positive test if asymptomatic) in the case in their household, and only attend school if their lateral flow test is negative.
They are also encouraged to follow national guidance for all contacts and access a PCR test COVID-19: guidance for households with possible coronavirus infection - GOV.UK . The only people who are not required to take part is anybody who has tested positive using a PCR swab test in the last 90 days. They do not need to take another test.
We also wanted to let parents know that Covid-19 vaccinations will be taking place at Chorlton High School Monday to Wednesday next week. This process is being managed fully by nurses from the local Health service and only students who have consent will be receiving this vaccination.
Updated Friday 5th November
We have been delighted to welcome students back this week. It has been really impressive to see the huge effort our Year 11s have already put into revising for their college entry exams this week. They have approached them with a mature attitude and shown real resilience. As we move into the next week, we know Year 11 will continue to work hard on completing their exams to the best of their ability.
For Year 7-10 you will be aware that progress tests will start on November 15th and be taking place over the following two weeks. Students should have already started revising for these and have been given the information they need to support this. Please do remind them to speak to their tutors if they are still unsure.
All the materials for the progress tests have been shared on our website and can be found using the following link: https://www.chorltonhigh.manchester.sch.uk/student-life/assessment-and-reporting/year-7-9-progress-tests
We are looking forward to a really productive half term of revision, assessment and responding to any areas in need of development.
This half term, as part of their Pastoral Curriculum, students will also be taking part in raising awareness and funding raising for their charity pledge. Each Year group will focus on a different charity and cause. It is a really great opportunity for students to further develop their empathy skills on a local, national and global level. We look forward to seeing all the great things each Year group decide to do to support this very worthy cause.
Updated Friday 22nd October
COVID-19 Update
Face Coverings
Following conversation with the local Public Health team last week we will be asking all students to continue use face coverings in corridors and communal areas at the start of next half term. At this point we are not directing students to wear them in classrooms, however they may do so if they wish. We do request that all students bring their own to have a reusable face covering and a bag they can store in in hygienically if they choose to remove it during the day.
We will review this measure with the Public Health team at the end of the first two weeks of next half term, when we have a greater understanding of transmission rates as students return to school.
Home Testing
They have asked us to also remind all parents about the importance of carrying out twice weekly lateral flow tests at home. We have sent home additional test kits this week. This is effective in ensuring that young people who are asymptomatic can find this out and, therefore, stay at home. We have seen how this has allowed cases of COVID-19 to caught quickly, reduced spreading to others and it is important that as cases rise in our community we continue to do this.
The Public Health team has also advised us that if someone in the household has tested positive any child who attends school should be encouraged to carry out daily LFT testing for 10 days after the onset of symptoms (or positive test if asymptomatic), and only attend school if their LFT test is negative.
They are also encouraged to follow national guidance for all contacts and access a PCR test (COVID-19: guidance for households with possible coronavirus infection - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)).
Earlier today we shared information in respect of the COVID-19 vaccination programme for children aged 12 to 15 years of age. The vaccination will be offered to students in school next half term. If your child wishes to have their vaccine in school, please complete and return the E-consent form by 5pm on Monday 1st November 2021.
However, the Government has just announced that from the end of this week, parents of 12-15 year olds can book a COVID-19 vaccination for their child directly through the COVID-19 vaccination national booking service. This allows you to book your child’s COVID-19 vaccination at one of mass vaccination centres such at the Etihad Campus site in Manchester. This offer is in addition to the in-school COVID-19 vaccination programme which is being delivered by the NHS School Health Service immunisation teams, who will be visiting the school next half term. This is designed to give you more options for accessing the vaccination if you want your child to be vaccinated.
If you wish to use the national booking service, you can do so from the end of today (22 October).
To book online:
• Visit www.nhs.uk/covid-vaccination
To book on the phone:
• If you cannot book your appointment online, phone 119 free of charge, 7am to 11pm, 7 days a week. You can ask someone else to do this for you. Please let us know if you need an interpreter.
• You can use text phone 18001 119 or the NHS British Sign Language interpreter service at www.interpreternow.co.uk/nhs119
Finally, if your child is showing any symptoms of COVID-19, please make sure they are booked in for a PCR test and remain at home until a negative result has been given. If the result is positive, it is also important that you communicate this result with school as soon as possible.
Updated Friday 15th October
Face coverings in school
Following conversations with Manchester Public Health we have all students to return to using of face coverings in corridors and communal areas. Face coverings lower the risk of spreading the virus if someone has the virus but does not have symptoms. At this point we are not directing students to wear them in classrooms, however they may do so if they wish.
This week we have supplied students with disposable masks if they have needed one, however next week we hope that all students will have a reusable face covering and a bag they can store in in hygienically if they choose to remove it during the day.
This measure will be in place until the half term break, when we will review the situation again.
Routine LFD asymptomatic testing
We strongly encourage parents to support their children to test at home twice a week and to register their results, even when negative. This important testing helps to pick up the infection early, preventing further spread, keeping families, friends and schools protected from Covid. We encourage you to log your results here: https://www.gov.uk/log-test-site-covid19-results.
We are awaiting a further delivery from the Department of Education, and when this arrives, we will distribute the test to students. In the meantime, if families wish to order additional LFD tests for your household, please visit www.nhs.uk/get-tested
Further information on COVID-19 vaccinations for 12-15 year olds
In September, the four UK Chief Medical Officers announced that all healthy 12-15 year olds will be offered a first dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine as part of the national vaccination programme.
Vaccinations will be delivered at the school by Manchester Local Care Organisation (MLCO) via their NHS School Health Immunisation Service. This is the service that delivers a range of other vaccinations in the school. They will be supported by the wider School Health Services and other NHS staff.
At present the team are planning to visit the school in the week commencing 15th November. They will handle all the arrangements for the vaccinations as this process is run independently from the school by NHS team. This means that you will receive a consent form for your child to receive the vaccination directly from them. It is important that this form is completed promptly and returned to ensure your child can be vaccinated at the session. It needs to be returned at least 48 hours before the session.
When you are contacted by the NHS School Health Immunisation Service, they will provide parents with additional information. However, the NHS is encouraging parents and guardians to have a discussion with children as soon as possible about the vaccination so an informed decision can be made. There are a range of national leaflets available that explain more about the vaccine, the benefits and side effects. There is also a useful guide for parents available here that talks in detail about the vaccination and consent.
Updated Friday 8th October
We received wonderful feedback about the students who helped during Open Evening. All families were incredibly impressed by them. We are so very grateful for their support on this evening. A true credit to the school and their parents!
Today we celebrated World Mental Health Day by raising money for Young Minds’ #HelloYellow campaign. Students came to school today wearing a yellow coloured accessory and donated £1 to the cause. Thank you to all students who got involved in this celebration. For more information about the school’s approach to Mental Health, please follow these links
There are a few key things we wanted to remind and inform parents of this week:
MS Teams – Reminders
• All home learning is issued through MS Teams, in the Assignments Tab of each of the Class Teams. Students can also track their progress in this section.
• All daily lessons are uploaded onto Teams which can be used for students who are self-isolating but also as an excellent daily revision tool to review student learning.
• Students can ask questions to their teachers using the ‘Chat’ function.
Events coming up
Thursday 14th October Year 7 Parent and Tutor Evening - virtual (online).
Thursday 21st October Year 11 Parents’ Evening- virtual (online).
Updated Friday 24th September
I hope this letter finds you all safe and well. We have been so impressed with the start to extra-curricular clubs over the last week. The engagement and positivity students have shown for the clubs they have decided to join has been truly inspiring to see. Well done to all those who have joined a club and if your child wants to join one, please use the School Gateway app to book them on.
We also wanted to take this opportunity to thank all parents who have accessed our virtual Year group parent events. These have been recorded and Year 7, 10 and 11 are now available to view (Year 8 and 9 will be uploaded here during the course of next week) on our website using the following link: https://www.chorltonhigh.manchester.sch.uk/parents/year-group-information-evenings-videos
Over the course of the last couple of weeks, we have had reports about some issues in the local area. Please can I ask you to remind your son/daughter about the importance of personal safety as they travel to and from school. In particular, they should not walk home alone through the park or other areas that may be considered short cuts. If they have any specific concerns they should talk to a member of staff at the school.
We will also be reminding students over the course of next week that they should not walk to school with their phones or other electronic devices in their hands. We will also advise them to keep any valuable items out of sight and not to walk to school wearing earphones, so they are able to be completely aware of their surroundings and ensure their safety.
Please see below for messages we will be sharing with students about road safety:
Road Safety Good Practice for students:
• Walk sensibly on all pavements, particularly where width has been restricted.
• Do not walk in large groups. Space out and walk individually or in pairs.
• When you need to cross a road always STOP, LOOK (BOTH WAYS), LISTEN.
• Only cross the road when it is free from traffic in BOTH directions and it is safe to cross.
• Concentrate fully when you are near busy roads.
• PUT YOUR PHONE AWAY. (It distracts you. You MUST be looking at the roads NOT your phone.)
Next week is Bike to School week. We want to encourage as many of our students, who can, to get involved as we have good cycle storage for students to lock their bikes away during the school day. Cycling to school has several positive benefits for our children both in terms of their physical and mental health. It is also a great positive travel habit to establish early in the academic year and very beneficial for our environment. We look forward to seeing our students arrive on their bikes next week.
As you will be aware, the UK’s Chief Medical Officers have announced this week that all 12-15 year olds will be offered a first dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine as part of the next phase of the national vaccination programme.
In Manchester, vaccinations will be organised by the NHS School Health Immunisation Service. This is the team who deliver the range of other vaccinations across the city’s schools as part of their regular work so they are experienced at delivering vaccines. It is this team that will inform, provide guidance and seek consent from parents. At this point we have not received any further information about when the programme is scheduled. As soon as we have an update, we will contact parents.
Next week we will hold our annual Open Evening and we have many student volunteers helping us with this event. We want to thank all those who have offered their support to the school during this evening.
Updated Monday 13th September
I am delighted to take this opportunity to invite you to attend Chorlton High School’s Open Evening on Thursday 30th September from 6.00pm - 8.00pm.
If you would like to take a closer look at Chorlton High School and meet staff and students in person, you are welcome to visit on Open Evening or telephone to make an appointment for a tour of the school. Alternatively, you could visit our website to find out more about the school:
Updated Friday, 10th September
Dear Parents and Carers
It has been wonderful welcoming our students back to school this week. Staff have been so impressed with the students. You should be so very proud of your child for the focus and commitment to hard work demonstrated this week.
As we look forward to next week, there are a few very important points that we need to make sure that our parents are aware of.
1. Covid Rules in terms of attendance
The Local Authority have issued a letter regarding the changes to Covid Rules in terms of attendance and self-isolation.
Changes to self-isolation rules Under the new national arrangements, anyone who has been identified as a close contact of a positive case of Covid-19 will no longer have to self-isolate - this applies to children who are not displaying symptoms and adults who have been fully vaccinated (14 days after their second jab) and are also not displaying any symptoms. Instead, they will be advised to take a PCR test, as soon as possible, and anyone who tests positive will still need to self-isolate regardless of their vaccination status or age. It continues to be important that you do not send your child into school should they develop symptoms, however mild.
Asymptomatic Testing - Secondary schools and colleges will carry out two lateral flow device tests for every pupil in year 7 and above, 3 to 5 days apart, on their return in the autumn term. Please follow the guidance provided to you by your school/college. Secondary aged pupils and college students should continue to test at home twice a week.
2. Lateral Flow testing – Students have now been given their Lateral Flow home kits.We suggest that students routinely take the self-test twice a week on a Sunday evening before returning to school on Monday and then Wednesday evening. This will ensure a higher level of safety for everybody.
When you have the result from the test, please upload the result on www.gov.uk/report-covid19-result
Please inform the school of a positive result as soon as possible via email admin@chorltonhigh.manchester.sch.uk and self-isolate for 10 days
3. Parent Information Evenings
Over the course of the next two weeks, each Year Group Team will be running a parental information evening, via MS Teams. The evenings will cover key aspects of school and Year specific priorities. It would be great for as many parents to log into these meetings as possible. On the day of the meeting we will send the relevant link to access the meeting. It will run from 5pm until 6pm. Please see below the date the evening will be held for each Year group:
Year 7 – Tuesday, 14th September
Year 8 – Thursday, 23rd September
Year 9 – Wednesday, 22nd September
Year 10 – Thursday, 16th September
Year 11 - Wednesday, 15th September
4. The car park - The school car park is not designed to be a drop off or pick up zone. It is a route that students use to walk and cycle into school. We have always requested that parents do not drive into the car park at key times (between 8.00 to 8.45am and 2.00 to 3pm).
5. The streets around our school – Concerns have also been raised by local residents about parking on double yellow lines or vehicles making unsafe manoeuvres in the streets close by. We request that students make their way to school independently and are not dropped off. This way we are making the streets in our local community safer from both a road safety and an air pollution perspective.
6. Picking students up on foot – If you are meeting your child after school, please can we ask that parents do not wait on the school site and please wait outside the school gates.
Updated Friday, 9th July
We write to you at the end of an incredible week of learning experiences for our young people. It has been great to see our students experience so many different activities. A real delight.
This week the Department for Education issued new guidance for arrangements in educational settings. This will cover both the Summer period and the new term - when children return to school in September. The DfE outlined further flexibility for schools in the ways that we can operate, although control measures will still need to be in place to protect our school community.
As Manchester remains in an ‘enhanced response area’ we will continue to keep the current control measures and processes in place until the end of term.
We will write to all parents next week with further details and an outline about the return to school in September.
At the end of a challenging year, we would really appreciate your feedback on some key aspects of the school. Please would you mind completing this short survey. https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/PSurvey2021
Updated Thursday, 8th July
The local Public Health Team have advised us that some Manchester residents, including school aged young people, have reported a wider range of symptoms when testing positive before experiencing the main three – high temperature, continuous cough, change in sense of taste and smell – that we have all got used to looking out for.
To be on the safe side, up until 19th July, they are encouraging people to get a PCR test if they are experiencing these wider symptoms, even if they are not yet experiencing the main three. This will mean we can detect the virus and stop transmission of the Delta variant more quickly to limit the spread.
The wider symptoms include:
Headache that lasts a long time
Muscle or full body aches
Sore throat
Blocked or runny nose
Sickness or vomiting
If you are not experiencing the main three symptoms you do not have to immediately self-isolate, but if you are in any doubt, please book a PCR test.
You can register for a PCR test online at www.nhs.uk/coronavirus and tick the box that says your local authority asked you to take a test. Or ring 119 and say the same thing to book a test.
Updated Friday, 25th June
We write to you at the end of the Progress Checkpoint fortnight and we wanted to say well done to our students who really did themselves proud with their revision and their positive attitude during this time!
The Summer of Love and Beelonging
It has been a wonderful return to school where we have seen a group of students using their voice and very impressive dancing skills in support of ‘Clean Air Day’. This week we have been celebrating our annual Beelong festival. This year’s Beelong Festival is celebrating our community, our resilience and the fact that we really do have more in common than divides us.
Part of our Summer of Love, Kindness and Respect, and funded by the National Lottery, we have partnered with local organisations and charities to complete projects that reflect and celebrate the diversity of our local community. We began our festival by working with Refugee Week and the Great Get Together to join in with “The Great Walk Together” to embrace the theme of Refugee Week this year which was “We Cannot Walk Alone.” Students entered a competition to win an afternoon tea for their family, for which they had to write what their community meant to them. We had some beautiful entries.
We celebrated Windrush Day this week, and a group of Year 7 students have met Jordan and Ashley Banjo from the Diversity Dance Troop too – albeit virtually! Our virtual Pride celebration is on Friday, where we hope to see as many of our school as possible wearing our rainbow stickers.
As the festival continues, we are lucky enough to be hosting workshops with Stitched Up, our local reuse and recycle cooperative, Young Identity Poetry Group and Band On The Wall to name but a few! Our community project with Unity Arts also begins this half term.
We also have a lot to look forward to with our Extended Learning Experience days, which will take place 7th – 9th July. Staff have been working extra hard to make sure that this ELE week is a week to remember. Students will take part in practical activities, develop new skills including teamwork and resilience and above all, have fun!
Twice weekly Lateral Flow Home Testing
We know we are sounding like a stuck record with this message but it is really important that students are completing their two lateral flow tests a week to help reduce the spread of Covid-19. Our advice is that these tests are completed on a Wednesday and Sunday evening, in advance of coming to school. Thank you for your support with this.
Year 7-9 online assessment
Over the next two weeks, students’ home learning in English, Science and Mathematics will consist of the completion of a small assessment online. Students will be instructed to log into the website www.testingforschools.com/code by their teachers and given an individual code to provide them access to a personalised activity in each subject. The English and Mathematics assessments will take approximately an hour and a half, which can be split into two sections, and the Science assessments will take approximately 45 minutes. Students will need access to either headphones or device speakers to allow them to do any listening element. These tasks should be completed during student’s regular home learning time and will be available online for 2 weeks starting Monday 28th June.
Online Assessment Subject
English Maths Science
Year 7 Yes Yes
Year 8 Yes Yes Yes
Year 9 Yes Yes Yes
The purpose of these assessments is to diagnose students' gaps across the three subjects which will help us plan next years' curriculum. They complement the recent Progress Checkpoints and will also allow us to make strong comparisons with national data, looking at learning lost during recent Covid-19 lockdowns.
These assessments should not be prepared for and should require no difference in your child’s regular home learning routine. The message given in class to students will be that we do not want our students to feel under pressure to ‘do well’, we simply want them to do their best! Teachers will be available for contact throughout the week on MS Teams for support and any troubleshooting.
Updated Friday, 11th June
It has been great to see our students back in school after their half term break and we look forward to the many opportunities that are ahead this half term. In this week’s update, we wanted to share with you a few key messages/information.
Covid-19 Measures
You will have seen in the news, that Greater Manchester has moved to an ‘Enhanced Response Area’ due to the rise of Covid-19 cases in the region. In Manchester, the Covid-19 infection rates are rapidly increasing and in the past week rates have practically doubled. We have, therefore, been advised by Public Health to return to the use of face coverings for students in classrooms and communal areas. We will also be sending out new testing kits. Public Heath England has stated that twice weekly testing is one of the most effective methods recommended to keep everyone safe.
This news is clearly disappointing as we were potentially looking forward to an end of term free of restrictions. Once again, we want to thank you for your ongoing support in this matter.
Mobile Phones and Digital Safety
As we highlighted before half term, we have put together a new mobile phone policy which will be available on our website over the next few weeks. In advance of this, we wanted to share some key points with parents.
• It is a zero-tolerance approach. If a mobile phone is seen out during school hours it will be confiscated.
• The first time a phone is confiscated by a member of staff, students will be able to pick it up from the canteen area at the end of the day. However, if the phone is confiscated again we will be asking parents to come into school and to collect them.
This week we have been alerted to a disturbing video on the social media platform, TikTok. This has also been highlighted in the national press. We strongly recommend that students are not signed up to this platform. We will ensure that have continuing conversations around their digital safety.
Clean Air Day – Thursday 17th June
Next week the school will be supporting the Clean Air Day initiative, as we strongly believe that we all deserve to breathe in less polluted air. We have several activities planned with students to mark this day and we wanted to ask parents and staff to support this too. It is a great opportunity to put away the car keys and make use of our public transport system, pedal bikes or even increase our daily steps. We are hoping to see a significant reduction in traffic on this day, and hopefully in the future, as we will be encouraging all students to make their own way to school. As you will be aware, since the measures have eased with regards to Covid-19, there has been an increase in traffic on the roads and with that an increase in road accidents for pedestrians and cyclists. This is a great opportunity to reduce the risk by reducing the volume.
Big Bike Revival
On Wednesday 16th June 9am until 1pm, Big Bike Revival will be based in our school and are offering students free basic bike repairs and bike safety checks (bike repairs include fixing punctures, brake adjustment and cables replacing). If students would like to take up this opportunity, they need to bring their bikes on this day and take them to the area in front of the Astro Turf where Big Bike Revival will be set up.
Progress checks reminder
Progress checks, for all Year groups, start next week (wc 14th June). Students have been given home study planners with their English, Maths and Science dates already added and they can use these to add in the dates for their other tests. Information on what will be on the checkpoints can be found on our website.
Updated Monday, 28th May
Dear Parents and Carers,
As we come towards the end of the first part of the Summer term, we wanted to say well done to students for their resilience and commitment to their learning. It is the first full half term students have completed in school in 2020 and the vast majority of them have done themselves proud.
We wanted to let you know that next half term, the school will be releasing a new mobile phone policy to staff, parents and students. We became a mobile phone free school at the start of this academic year. The positive benefits of removing this distraction for students have been very clear. So, in advance of sharing the new policy, we wanted to remind students that Chorlton High School is a no mobile phone school and will remain so moving forward. We have had a period of time where we have supported this transition for students in Years 8-11. However, starting next half term we will be taking a zero tolerance approach to mobile phones. If they are seen in school, between the times of 8:25am and the end of the day, they will be confiscated.
Reporting positive cases of Covid-19
Once again as we move into the holidays, schools have been asked to continue tracking positive cases for first 5 days of the half term holiday. To facilitate this process we ask that parents let us know if your child tests positive over the next few days by emailing us on admin@chorltonhigh.manchester.sch.uk In addition to this, if your child has been identified as a student who has been a close contacted to someone who has tested positive within school, we will then contact you via email. We all hope that this will not be the case.
Progress checks reminder
Progress checks will take place for all students next half term during weeks 2 and 3 (starting 14th June). Students have been given home study planners with their English, Maths and Science dates and they can use these to add in the dates for their other tests. Information on what is on the checkpoints can be found here on our website and on the students’ Year group Team site.
Face Coverings
As we return after half term students will continue to wear face coverings in corridors and communal areas. This is strongly advised at this time and will be regularly reviewed in line with the local transmission rates. Students no longer need to wear a face covering in the classroom. However, they may continue to wear them if they wish to do so. This situation is reviewed on a regular basis based on local public health advice and we will update parents if there are any changes to this.
We also want to remind families about the amazing contribution many of our students and staff have made to the Chorlton Arts Festival – a big thank you to them all for their hard work on this festival. Performances can be viewed via the school’s YouTube channel, using the following link:
We wish you all a very happy and healthy half term break.
Kind regards,
Chorlton High School
Updated Monday, 24th May
Dear Parents/Carers,
The safety and wellbeing of our students is always our highest priority. Last week, two of our students were involved in two different accidents on the road. Our school community has been shaken by these events and this week in school we shall be responding to these accidents by talking to our students and reminding them about the importance of road safety.
We would like to encourage all parents and carers to have similar conversations at home. We will be reminding students to take the utmost care when they are crossing the road, and to inform them that sometimes cars may not see them as pedestrians or act in the way we would assume they should. We cannot be too careful when crossing roads.
Although we assume that it is younger children who are most at risk, statistics show that it is actually 11 – 15 year olds who are at more risk from accidents that result in serious injury. The majority of accidents happen between 3 and 7pm.
Please can we also request again that parents do not drop off students close to the school. This is causing problems on local roads. The school receives complaints on a regular basis relating to poor driving, inappropriate parking and the unsafe ‘dropping off’ of children. This creates further concerns about the safety of our students, as well as adding to the problem of air pollution in the local area. Once they are attending High School, we encourage all students to make their way to school independently, by walking or cycling, which also means that they have an active, healthy start to the day.
Many thanks for your ongoing support in this matter.
Yours sincerely,
Zoe Morris
Updated Friday, 14th May
It has been a lovely summer term so far and we wanted to share with you some of the opportunities available now and coming up.
As you are aware, we have introduced several extra-curricular clubs and there are still some places available on these. For further information, please see the extra-curricular pages on the website. www.chorltonhigh.manchester.sch.uk/student-life-at-chs/enrichment/extra-curricular-activities You can book your child’s place via the School Gateway. Please remember to cancel the place if your child can no longer attend.
We also have the Chorlton Arts Festival week commencing 24th May, during which lots of exciting events will take place. Further information will be shared with parents about this soon.
As many of you will already be aware, the Government has announced that from Monday, 17th May students there are changes to the requirements in respect of wearing face coverings in school. This will mean that:
• Students will no longer need to wear a face covering in the classroom. However, they may continue to wear them if they wish to do so.
• However, students will continue to wear face coverings in corridors and communal areas. This is strongly advised at this time and will be regularly reviewed in line with the local transmission rates.
It is important to note that this change in guidance is dependent on transmission rates and may change again the future. Thank you to all parents for your support with face coverings during this academic year so far.
Updated Sunday, 9th May
Just a reminder to make sure your child completes their home test on a Sunday and Wednesday evenings.
Please ensure the results are logged:
• Firstly, using this link: https://forms.office.com/r/5hpm3R0zCA which will inform school directly of your child’s result.
• Secondly, using this link: www.gov.uk/report-covid19-result to report it to NHS Track and Trace.
Please note that if your child tests positive on a home test – they will need to go for a PCR test. This can be booked using this link: www.gov.uk/get-coronavirus-test
They and siblings will need to stay at home until the PCR test comes back; and if positive, they will need to continue to self-isolate for 10 days, if negative they can return to school.
Headteacher's End of Term message Friday, 31st March 2021
Dear Parent/Carers,
It feels difficult to believe that we find ourselves at the end of another challenging term. We are incredibly thankful for your partnership throughout. After starting January in lockdown there have certainly been lots of ups and downs, things have not always gone to plan but your patience, understanding and support have always been appreciated. It is also pleasing to report that we have ended the term in a very positive manner with our young people back in school and happy to be learning.
We don’t underestimate the impact that lockdown has had on many of our students and their families. Our priority over the last three weeks has been to re-establish routines and offer care and support to those who need it. Please get in touch with your child’s Head of Year, should you or your child require further support. As we head into the break, I would like to highlight that there are a range of resources and links to that students and parents can access. They can be found here:
• https://www.chorltonhigh.manchester.sch.uk/chs-distance-learning/happy/mental-health-and-wellbeing
• https://www.chorltonhigh.manchester.sch.uk/chs-distance-learning/happy/family-and-student-support
We all hope that the Easter holidays will enable our students to break away from so much screen time. However, we are aware that there are still restrictions that place pressure onto our students. We have created some activities that students may wish to undertake.
• For Year 7-9 these are focused on activities that are off screen, should they be looking for inspiration during the holidays.
• Year 10 teachers have placed some additional optional tasks into their MS Teams areas to help them consolidate and further inspire their independent study.
• Additional study materials have also been provided for Year 11 students appropriate to any ongoing assessments.
Reporting positive cases of coronavirus
Once again as we move into the holidays, schools have been asked to continue tracking positive cases for first 6 days of the Easter holidays. To facilitate this process we have asked that parents and carers let us know if your child tests positive over the next few days by emailing us the information to admin@chorltonhigh.manchester.sch.uk If your child has been identified as a student who has tested positive within school we will then contact you via email. We all hope that this will not be the case.
Year 11 Assessments
This week the examination boards have been in the process of confirming arrangements for their summer assessments. This guidance really follows the process that we have already written to parents about earlier in the term. After Easter we will publish our final policy on grading, once it has been agreed by the school’s Governing Body.
It is important that our students remain safe, well and COVID-19 free over the coming weeks. We strongly advise them to follow the lockdown advice and not to mix with other people outside the government’s rules over the holidays. We want them fit and well, and able to complete their Year 11 in school for the weeks that they have left.
Home testing kits.
This week students have been supplied with additional home testing kits which will allow them to test for COVID-19 at home throughout the holidays; we hope that this will give our families some additional reassurance.
At the end of the Easter break, we ask that students test themselves on the Sunday evening before they return to school. This way we can break potential chains of transmission and identify those with the virus who may not experience any symptoms. This helps keep the school and our community safe.
Communication with Home
We are fully aware that over the past year parents have had to read a great deal of information that we have sent home. Optimistically, we hope that the summer term will be less disrupted by new challenges! We, therefore, will intend to revert to our original whole school communication plan, which is a fortnightly letter home, and a fortnightly edition of the Chorlton Connection. We will, of course, contact parents with any emergent communication, as necessary.
Finally, I wanted to publicly thank the staff at the school. Over the past year we have all been under tremendous pressure. At times, the school’s plans have had to change very swiftly and our staff have been incredible in making sure they support our students and one another through very testing times. They have turned their hand to many ways of working. Whether this is quickly moving to online lessons or carrying out hundreds of COVID-19 tests each day. Always with the idea that they wish to support our school community in the best possible way. They are a brilliant team!
We are looking forward now to a brighter and, optimistically, less disrupted summer term! We wish all our families all the best for a relaxing, and hopefully sunny Easter break.
Kind regards
Ms. Z Morris
Updated Friday, 31st March 2021
It has been wonderful to welcome our students back to school and we are so pleased with how they are settling back into their daily routines. After two weeks in the building we are slowly getting back to how things were during the Autumn term.
The sense of pride we have in our students is mirrored by them as they represent our school and the most visible of these methods is through how they wear their uniform.
Understandably, we have been relaxed with our uniform expectations during our time back at school so far, as we appreciate that children have grown whilst shops have been closed and new uniform has been difficult to obtain. The uncertainty of lockdown hasn’t helped and we understand the situation lots of our families find themselves in.
For ease of reference our uniform supplier is: John McHugh’s, which is situated at the King Street entrance to the Stretford shopping centre, in the Old Post Office building.
There are a number of ways that uniform can be purchased from them:
• Online orders that are home delivered. This can be accessed through their website: www.johnmchughschoolwear.co.uk or over the phone - 0161 865 3142.
• Click and collect – ordered via the website with opening times to collect:
• Monday, Wednesday, Friday 2pm – 4pm
• Saturday 10am – 12pm
• Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday – closed
• The store will reopen fully from 12th April 2021.
• Customers needing to exchange/return items can do so during the click-and-collect hours. They are also able to accept returns and exchanges after the lockdown period has ended.
A full list of school uniform can be found on the school website: https://chorltonhigh.manchester.sch.uk/parents/school-uniform.
We would also like to inform parents that from September 2021 the school PE kit will change, so please don’t purchase additional items beyond what is needed for the summer months.
While students are waiting for items to be purchased there are simple solutions that they can implement to ensure that they look smart throughout the day. Outdoor coats must be removed when entering the building and shirts should always be tucked in.
Mobile phone and headphones are not allowed in school. If students have to bring them then they should be put into their bag when they arrive and only taken out at the end of the school day. If students have phones and headphones out during the school day they will be asked to put them away. If they have to be asked to put their phone away for a second time they will be confiscated until the end of the day.
School uniform is a key way of us developing a sense of togetherness between our students and staff after such a long time in lockdown. This will also begin to help us re-establish our boundaries. Wearing a uniform places students in a 'work environment mind-set' and helps them separate their home and school life.
Your help in discussing this letter with your son/daughter would be greatly appreciated and could prevent any future misunderstandings or issues that could arise if they are uncertain of the school rules after such a long time learning from home.
Thank you for taking the time to read and act upon this letter. If you have any questions, then please contact me or visit the uniform page on the school website.
Updated Friday, 26th March 2021
All students have now received lateral flow home testing kits. Please see the process for using these in the previous post (17th March).
Next week we will be providing students with a further supply of testing kits. This will enable them to continue self-testing throughout the Easter break.
This week we have been celebrating all the exciting things students have been learning in classrooms since their return to school during the last 3 weeks, on our school Twitter account - @chorltonhigh. It would be great for you to go and take a look.
We have noticed that during the school closure, some of our students have grown a great deal! Which has meant that may have grown out of certain items of their school uniform. We have been supportive of this over the past few weeks; however, we have now spoken to our students directly about the fact that we expect to see them back in full uniform on their return after Easter.
Finally, next week is the final one of the Spring term and we wanted to remind parents that students will finish on Wednesday, 31st March. Thursday is a school INSET day for staff only and it is a bank holiday on the Friday.
Updated Wednesday, 17th March 2021
Key information regarding self-testing:
• We suggest that students routinely take the self-test twice a week, on a Sunday evening before returning to school on Monday and again on a Wednesday evening. This will ensure a higher level of safety for everybody.
• NHS guidance states that students aged 11 should have the test administered by an adult. Students aged 12-16 can self-swab but should be supervised.
• When you have the result from the test please upload the result in 2 places:
1) using this link: https://forms.office.com/r/5hpm3R0zCA which will inform school directly of your child’s result.
2) using this link: www.gov.uk/report-covid19-result to report it to NHS Track and Trace.
Please note that if your child tests positive on a home test – they need to go for a PCR test. This can be booked using this link: www.gov.uk/get-coronavirus-test
They will need to self-isolate until the PCR tests comes back – if positive, they will need to continue to self-isolate for 10 days. If the PCR test comes back negative, they can return to school.
Home tests do not replace current guidance for those with symptoms or those identified as close contacts; anyone with symptoms should book a free NHS test (a PCR test – see link above) and follow self-isolation guidance.
Updated Friday 5th March 2021
We spoke to all Year groups about the plans for return during our live assembly this morning and we will continue to highlight key information about what is required of students over the course of next week.
We wanted to take this opportunity to highlight some other aspects of safety we need to remind parents about as students return to school over the next week and beyond:
Face coverings - It is current Government advice that students wear face covering is class when they cannot socially distance. We will be following this advice to ensure that we take every measure to ensure that our school community is as safe as possible. Therefore, students will be required to wear face covering in most classrooms. This will be reviewed at Easter alongside any other updates from the Department of Education. Whilst we have a number of spare face coverings to give students, in case they misplace theirs or do not have one, however this stock is limited. We would, therefore, ask that If parents have got any reusable face coverings they would like to donate to school, these would be gratefully received. These can be brought in with your child and handed to their form tutor. Thank you in advance to those who are able to support with this.
Parking and local road concerns – the car park is a very busy place for our students at the start and end of school. Therefore, we ask that parents do not drive into the car park at key times of the day; between 8.00 to 8.45am and 2.15 to 3pm. Unfortunately, concerns raised by local residents about parents parking on double yellow lines and making unsafe manoeuvres in the streets close by. We do request that students make their way to school independently and are not dropped off. This way we can work together to help make the streets in our local community safer, from both a road safety and an air pollution perspective.
Updated Monday, 1st March 2021
On Friday 26th February, parents will have received information about the plan for the phased return to school for all students. Please see below a summary of the key information from these letters:
Key information and changes made to the running of the school:
- The Government has asked schools to test all students using Covid-19 ‘lateral flow testing’ before they return to school. We will be testing all students (with consent) in advance of them returning to school. This is a challenging task and is why we have put into place a staggered return for all Year groups over the course of the week commencing the 8th March. It is our plan to have all our students back with us from Friday 12th March.
- Students are now required, unless exempt for medical reasons, to wear face coverings at any time when they cannot maintain a safe social distance. This will mean that students will be required to wear face coverings during lesson time as well as in social spaces. We believe that the Department for Education will review this requirement at Easter.
When will my child return to school?
Year 7 Pre-testing date: Tuesday, 9th March
Students will be invited in for a specific time slot during the Tuesday. Parents will receive a letter to advise them of this time. Students will attend the Green room for their Covid-19 test and then return home on this day
Date of return: Wednesday, 10th March
Start time: Students will start at 8:30am and line up in the same place as in the Autumn term, in their usual lines.
Year 8 Pre-testing date: Thursday, 11th March
Students will be invited in for a specific time slot during the Thursday. Parents will receive a letter to advise them of this time. Students will attend the Green room for their Covid-19 test and then return home on this day
Date of return: Friday, 12th March
Start time: Students will start at 8:30am and line up in the same place as in the Autumn term, in their usual lines.
Year 9 Pre-testing date: Wednesday, 10th March
Students will be invited in for a specific time slot during the Wednesday. Parents will receive a letter to advise them of this time. Students will attend the Green room for their Covid-19 test and then return home on this day
Date of return: Thursday, 11th March
Start time: Students will start at 8:30am and line up in the same place as in the Autumn term, in their usual lines.
Year 10 Pre-testing date: Monday, 8th March
Students will be invited in for a specific time slot during the Monday. Parents will receive a letter to advise them of this time. Students will attend the Green room for their Covid-19 test and then return home on this day
Date of return: Tuesday, 9th March
Start time: Students will start at 8:30am and line up in the same place as in the Autumn term, in their usual lines
Year 11 Date of return: Monday, 8th March
Start time: A letter will be sent to parents that will share a starting time for their child's Form group. Year 11 will be tested at this time and then be taken to their base classroom for a session with their tutor and will start their normal timetable from Period 3.
Year 7-10 Information about the Covid-19 Testing programme
The process of testing all students is a logistical challenge for the school. We have a trained, experienced team and we have converted our ‘Green Room’ to enable all students to keep ‘socially distanced’ measures in place while they complete their test. This has worked extremely well as we have been regularly testing all the key worker students and staff who have been on site.
The challenge for us is that we need to test a high number of students before they return to the classroom. We are, therefore, giving all Form groups a dedicated time slot to be tested the day before they return to the classroom. This means that we can complete the tests whilst maintaining social distance measures, and it also makes sure that the students first morning back at school is spent with their Form Tutors focusing on settling them back into school, thinking about their wellbeing and making sure that they can start to enjoy their learning back in their classroom.
On the day of their pre-test students should arrive in the Green Room where they will be met by their Form Tutors and Head of Year. Students do not need to wear their uniform on this day, however they do need to wear a face covering. We want to make sure they feel comfortable, and tutors will walk through the process with them as they are shown what to do. To help students know exactly what to expect we will also be talking to them about it in the live assemblies prior to this and sharing with them a video that explains this process.
After completing their test, students should return straight home. The results of the test will be emailed through to parents.
A negative test results will mean that they are ready for school and we look forward to seeing them the following morning!
If the result is positive, then the school will follow up with a call home to support parents.
Year 11 Information about the Covid-19 Testing programme
We are giving all Year 11 Form groups a dedicated time slot to be tested. Students should arrive at school for this dedicated time, where they will go to complete their test in the Green Room. This will be explained further during the live assemblies next week.
After completing their test, students will go wait for the results in the Blue Box Theatre. The results of the test will also be emailed through to parents.
A negative test results will mean that they will be sent to their form room
If the result is positive, then the school will follow up with a call home to support parents and send the student home.
Updated Tuesday, 23rd February 2021
Dear Parents/Carers,
I know we have been waiting on the announcements about the return to school and it was heartening to hear yesterday that we can begin to look forward positively. As you will be aware the Government announced that secondary schools will be allowed to begin to invite students back from Monday 8th March. The Department of Education has issued advice that states:
• Secondary schools are able to plan for a phased return over the week of 8th March to allow students to be offered coronavirus (COVID-19) tests as they return to the classroom. Schools will have discretion on how to phase the return of their students over the week beginning 8th March to allow them to be tested on return.
• After an initial programme of 3 tests in school or college, students will be provided with two rapid tests to use each week at home.
• Staff and students in secondary schools are advised to wear face coverings in all areas, including classrooms, where social distancing cannot be maintained as a temporary extra measure.
Phased Return
We are now in the process of planning the phased return for all students, which will commence from 8th March. The approach will be similar to the way we returned in September 2020. This will enable students to refocus on the school’s health and safety routines, to feel supported back into school and, this time around, to access testing on their return.
We hope to be able to write to parents at the start of next week with the full details of the return dates and times for each Year group within school.
We feel it is important to keep parents informed on this additional element to the phased return. As you may well be aware, up to one third of people who have coronavirus experience no symptoms. Given this fact, the government has asked schools to test all students before they return to the classroom.
These COVID-19 tests, known as ‘lateral flow tests’ are designed to pick up any positive cases where individuals are not showing any coronavirus symptoms. We have been using these tests since the start of January; testing staff and the students that we have had onsite in the Key Worker provision. In fact, we have carried out over 1,500 tests to date and significantly these tests have identified a number of asymptotic cases that would have otherwise gone undetected for some time. As a result, we were able to take quick action and stop additional spread immediately, thereby keeping our school and wider community safe. Whilst this test is voluntary, we would strongly encourage all students to take advantage of this additional measure to help reduce transmission.
The ‘lateral flow’ tests are quick and easy to use. Students will take a swab from the throat and the nose, which is then tested. The whole process, from registration to testing to issuing results, is undertaken by our own staff who have received special training. They will ensure students feel relaxed and comfortable, answering any questions that may be asked. Results will be shared directly with students and with parents or legal guardians. Positive cases will be identified within 30 minutes of testing and immediate action taken. We have attached an instructional leaflet with further information, frequently asked questions and our privacy notice which outlines the process and explains how personal data will be processed, stored and destroyed.
We intend to test all students before they return and will send out appointments in due course. However, before any appointments can be offered, we need parents and carers to complete the consent form; this can be done very quickly online by following this link: https://www.chorltonhigh.manchester.sch.uk/parents/consent-form
Ideally, we would like all consent forms to be returned no later than Thursday 25th February. Please note, we need a separate consent form for each child.
We encourage all students to take part in this testing programme. It will help us to identify any positive cases quickly and will hopefully assist in reducing the number of students who have to be sent home to isolate due to contact with positive cases. As always, we are committed to keeping as many students and staff in our school as safe and secure as possible.
If you require any additional information or information in any other language or format, please call school on 0161 882 1151 or email admin@chorltonhigh.manchester.sch.uk.
In respect of Year 11 GCSEs, we are still waiting for the Department of Education to publish the outcomes of its consultation. We have been promised this information by the end of February and it is hoped that it will help us give both staff and students some clarity of what is expected. We do understand that our Year 11s have been under enormous pressure yet they have continued to impress us with the way that they have responded to the situation and how they continue to engage with their learning. Hopefully, we will have clarity over how examination courses will be assessed by the end of next week.
We all wish to see our students back in school as soon as possible and are working hard to establish a tight phased return which will allow us to offer the required testing to everyone as well as ensure students feel fully secure with the health and safety routines in and around the building. We intend to talk to students about the processes in assemblies, throughout next week.
Updated Thursday, 11th February 2021
As we move into a well-earned half term break for our students from live lessons and distance learning, we just wanted to share our sincere gratitude. It has been a challenging 6 weeks for us all and we have missed having our students in school, but seeing students and teachers working together in their online lessons each day has been truly uplifting. Our hope for all, during this break, is that we get away from our screens, take the opportunity, where the weather allows, to get outside together as families and all stay healthy.
Entertaining our children during a National Lockdown can be difficult, if not impossible, and so the school did want offer some suggested activities that we feel students will enjoy. These will be advertised to students on their MS Team’s Year group page and we will also be putting these on our website. They can be found using the following link: https://www.chorltonhigh.manchester.sch.uk/chs-distance-learning/happy/passion-projects
There is no expectation that students complete these but if they do, please ask them to share them with us, we would love to see them.
As you are aware, the Government has confirmed that students will continue with their home learning for at least the first two weeks of next half term. We are expecting no further announcement regarding the reopening of school until first week back. We will update parents as soon as we know anything more.
A quick reminder: our website has a wealth of information regarding the support that is available to families, so please do check this out if you have any concerns.
Year 11
Following the half-term break on Monday 22nd February, Year 11 will be starting their Spring Assessments. The purpose of these assessments is to allow us to effectively evidence all of the hard work that Year 11 have put into their learning both in school over the Autumn term and also remotely over the past 6 weeks.
Students have been issued with detailed revision lists to support their preparation for assessments and have been directed to materials on MS Teams by their class teachers.
Key points:
• Spring Assessments will take place online.
• There will be no live lessons for this week except for Maths during their sessions on the timetable. Free sessions should be used for revision as set out by class teachers on MS Teams.
• Students should check their timetable each morning, so they know their assessments for the day and their timings.
• Students must attend the Year 11 Assembly every day at 8:45am for key messages.
• All assessments will be issued via ‘ASSIGNMENTS’ on Teams. Check the video below for further detail. https://www.loom.com/share/a25bdd943f924fe28a88f2fd851c9c39 (open using Google Chrome).
• Assignments are timed as per the timetable. Students will not be able to submit their assessment past the ‘close time’. A buffer has been added here to allow for technical issues.
• If students experience any technical issues during the exam, please contact the named person on the timetable or Year 11 team via the chat function on MS Teams.
• Access arrangements are in place for those students who are entitled to them.
• When students are completing their assessments, we have advised them that they need to be in a quiet space, ideally with no other distractions and as per usual assessment protocol away from their mobile phones.
You can find all information relating to Spring Assessments on the school website under the Student Life tab: https://www.chorltonhigh.manchester.sch.uk/student-life/assessment-and-reporting/year-11-mock-exams.
If you or your child have any concerns specifically relating to the Spring Assessments, please contact Alice Girault, Assistant Headteacher for Year 11 or Jamila Sarwar, Head of Upper School. We understand that this is a new process for students completing online assessments, but support will be in place for every exam to overcome any technical issues which may arise.
Updated Friday, 5th February 2021
This week we wanted to share with our parents what we have been discussing with students about what ‘successful remote learning behaviours’ look like. We have talked through the memory model and the core purpose of our teaching - which is to impart knowledge which stays with students for life. We have highlighted the importance of paying attention, practice, recall and retrieval in embedding knowledge in our long-term memory.
We have encouraged students to get more involved in their live lessons by considering the following:
• Teachers will RECAP on prior knowledge at the start of lesson – students should engage well with this and not worry if they cannot remember everything first time. Just the act of trying will support long term retention.
• LISTEN and pay close ATTENTION to the teacher when they are presenting information – follow their instructions throughout so they can work with this new information.
• Use the CHAT function in every single lesson to ASK and ANSWER questions.
• Unmute when they are asked and TALK about what they have learned. Talking is a powerful tool for learning.
• When they are given a POLL, QUIZ or ASSIGNMENT to complete – they should complete it and submit it. PRACTICE is essential for long term learning.
• REVIEW their learning at the end of each lesson. Summarise their knowledge. Ask their teacher to clarify anything they are unsure of.
Upcoming dates to mindful of:
• Friday, 12th February is INSET day so staff will not be setting lessons for this day. We will be putting a holiday package together for students to get involved with if they choose to. We will share more information about this next week
• Year 10 Parents’ Evening will take place virtually on Wednesday 10th March. More information about this will be sent to Year 10 parents straight after the half term break.
Progress Checkpoints in the Spring Term:
• For Year 7 and 8, there will be no Progress Checkpoints. Instead, ongoing diagnostic assessment will continue within lessons. Our Spring reports will only contain an effort grade. There will be no Progress Statements as this wouldn’t be right at the current time.
• Year 9 will have online Progress Checkpoints in most subjects in the second week after half term. More detailed information about these will follow. The results for these tests will be shared directly with students and our Spring reports will only contain an effort grade. There will be no Progress Statements as this wouldn’t be right at the current time.
• Year 10 will have online Progress Checkpoints in most subjects in the second week after half term. More detailed information about these will follow.
• Year 11 Spring Assessments will take place during the first week of the second half of the Spring term and the timetable for this has been shared with students.
Signposting support for our families:
We have been working with our wider community and school family to create a website page with some helpful advice/links. On this page you can find information about Food, Heating, Benefit Signposting, Mental Health Support and Mobile Device access.
We are very aware the current situation has been difficult for all our families for several different reasons. Whatever your situation, Chorlton High School is here to help as best we can. Please visit the website using the following link: https://www.chorltonhigh.manchester.sch.uk/family
Updated Friday, 29th January 2021
Earlier this week the Prime Minister announced that the Government are working on a plan to reopen schools from the 8th March and that they would hope to publish further details in the week of 22nd February. This means that, unfortunately, we will not be able to welcome our students back straight after half term, and we are greatly saddened by this news.
We will write to the parents of Year 11 students again next week with further details of how they will work with their teachers online for their Spring assessments. Mrs Banger will speak to the students about this next week in assembly.
A reminder that next Wednesday (3rd February) we will be running Year 9 Parents’ Evening virtually. Specific details about the evening have been sent to Year 9 parents already.
A reminder to all parents that during Periods 3, 4 and 5 on the Wednesday students, in all Year groups, will be completing their distance learning independently. There will not be any live lessons during this time. Students will access their lessons via the Files section of their subject Class Team on MS Teams. We will remind students about this next week.
Our Choose Love show raising fund for Refugee Aid Chorlton, and Help Refugees will take place at 6pm on Thursday 11th February to join together as a community and support those in need. It will be an extravaganza of singing, dancing and musical delights from our talented students.
This year Time to Talk day will take place on Thursday 4th February 2021. It is a fantastic opportunity for our community to talk about mental fitness and to listen and support each other. This years’ focus is “The Power of Small” which highlights the importance of talking through the small things, how this can make a huge difference to our mental fitness and ultimately our happiness.
Over the coming week, students will have the opportunity to:
• learn about the strategies our staff use to open up and talk about their mental fitness,
• provide feedback on their wellbeing,
• voice any concerns,
• highlight areas we can focus on more and
• speak to members of staff about how they are feeling.
There are lots of resources on our school webpage, that can be accessed through Distance Learning – Happy. This is where you will find strategies to boost qualities of mental fitness and a large range of external agencies available for support.
Updated Friday, 22nd January 2021
This week our letters celebrate the incredibly work that is being completed by all students during this time of distance learning and also recognises a need for more flexibility with live lessons and highlight for each year group where this flexibility can be found:
Flexibility for all Years:
• All lessons are cut down to a maximum of 50 minutes with a 10-minute comfort break built in. Students are encouraged to use this time to take a break from the screen, take a walk, get some fresh air and get refreshed.
• The ‘Happy’ section of the Distance Learning page on the school website details a range of wellbeing activities that we encourage all students to engage with.
• All lessons are saved in Class Materials in each Class Team to provide some flexibility of student access.
• Home learning this half term will include ‘off-line’ activities to reduce screen time.
Flexibility for:
Year 7:
Music, Art, Dance, Drama
Pre-recorded lessons that can be accessed at any time during the week.
English, Monday - 1.20-2.30pm – Reading focus. Teacher will start lesson at normal time, but off-screen reading will be encouraged.
RESPECT – Project based lesson. Teacher will start the lesson, but it will be a short introduction leading to some off- screen work.
Year 8:
Music, Art, Dance, Drama
Pre-recorded lessons that can be accessed at any time during the week.
English - Friday 10.00-11.00am – Reading focus. Teacher will start the lesson.
RESPECT – Project based lesson. Teacher will start the lesson, but it will be a short introduction leading to some off- screen work.
Year 9:
PE – Pick and Mix PE Menu – Couch to 5K, Cycling, HIIT, Yoga, Step, Golf skills, Football manipulation, Low weight resistance. This can be accessed at any time.
RESPECT – A pre-recorded short session which leads students onto a project-based activity. This can be accessed at any time.
Year 9 Triple Lessons – regular breaks, independent learning focus in the third period.
English - Reading Lesson- Thursday 10am. Teacher will start the lesson, but off-screen reading will be encouraged.
Year 10:
PE – Pick and Mix PE Menu – Couch to 5K, Cycling, HIIT, Yoga, Step, Golf skills, Football manipulation, Low weight resistance. This can be accessed at any time.
RESPECT – A pre-recorded short session which leads students onto a project-based activity which can be accessed at any time.
English - Reading Lesson-Friday 11-12pm. Teacher will start the lesson, but off-screen reading will be encouraged.
Year 11:
PE – Pick and Mix PE Menu – Couch to 5K, Cycling, HIIT, Yoga, Step, Golf skills, Football manipulation, Low weight resistance
Life Skills - Independently focused wellbeing and personal development time. The instructions will be placed in class materials, but the tasks to be completed off screen.
We also shared with parents the school rules around digital conduct.
Other key updates to be expected by the school for the following year groups:
Year 8 – In the coming couple of weeks, the school will share with parents the Pathways process for their child.
Year 11 – The school will issue an exam update next week to both students and parents.
Updated Friday, 15th January 2021
It has been another successful week of lessons for our wonderful students and we know that a large part of their success is also the support given by you – thank you.
We have received some very useful feedback on distance learning this week but wanted to give all parents the opportunity to share their thoughts and support the further development of our distance learning provision. With this in mind, please will you complete the short survey using the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/DistanceLearningParentsSurveyJan21
We also wanted to thank parents for the feedback provided in the survey before Christmas and let you know that whilst plans changed during our INSET day in January, due to the current situation, this feedback will still be used for future planning. Thank you!
Year 9 Parents’ Evening
We are pleased to confirm that the Year 9 Parents’ Evening will go ahead virtually on Wednesday 3rd February. Further information to help Year 9 parents access this event will be sent out on Monday.
We need to make all parents aware that on the date of the Year 9 Parents’ Evening, lessons 3, 4 and 5 will be accessed by all students independently, via MS Teams, as teachers will not be delivering live lessons during this time. We will speak to students about this but wanted to share this will all parents in advance.
Later today we publish our latest Chorlton Connection. This is our fortnightly newsletter which celebrates all the amazing work and achievements of our students. It is sent via email and can be found on the school website. We also encourage parents who don’t already to follow us on Twitter @chorltonhigh and Instagram chorltonhighschool
Useful links
Forget your password? - Speak to your teacher or Head of Year who can reset your account details. If not, email microsofthelp@prospere.org.uk
Staying active when working online - https://www.bupa.co.uk/newsroom/ourviews/desk-stretches
Online Safety
• SafeToNet is an app for parents to help them safeguard their children from online risks, like cyberbullying and sexting, whilst respecting their child’s rights to privacy. The SafeToNet Foundation is providing UK families with free access to 1 million licences during coronavirus.
• Internet Matters has provided step-by-step guides on how to set up parental controls so that you can control what content your child can access online
Government guidance around how parents can help to keep their children safe online.
The school's digital safety guidance - https://www.chorltonhigh.manchester.sch.uk/chs-distance-learning/happy
Updated Friday, 8th January 2021
What an incredible week of distance learning! Please pass on to our students how proud we are of their engagement with distance learning. Whilst this is not at all what we want and if it was safe to do so we would much prefer to teach our students in our classrooms, students have really risen to the challenge of live lessons and their teachers couldn’t be happier with them. Equally, a big thank you to parents for your unwavering support.
In terms of updates, and due to the increased communication this week, we only have a couple of messages for parents in this letter.
Next week, live lessons will continue for all Year groups, in all subjects apart from Years 7 and 8 Dance, Drama, Music and Art lessons. We have received feedback that 5 hours online can be difficult for our younger students. This allows us to reduce the amount of screen time for students in these Year groups, gives us the capacity to run our vulnerable student provision and will help develop the enrichment offer for all students. All lessons for these subjects will be posted in student’s Class Team starting from Monday next week. Students may still complete these lessons at the normal timetabled time, however it will also give families the flexibility for these to be completed later in the day, if appropriate. These lessons will enable students to develop their creative skills through practical projects.
We are also aware that it is a difficult time for many of our families for many different reasons. So, we wanted to share with you the following link to our website where we are putting together a collection of ways families can access support available for: Food, Heat, Benefit, Mental Health, Mobile Device Access. This information will be available, using this link, from Monday. If you know of any useful support families might benefit from, please let the school know and we will share this. https://www.chorltonhigh.manchester.sch.uk/family
We hope you have a good weekend. We look forward to seeing our students back online on Monday, starting our second week of live lessons.
Updated Wednesday, 6th January 2021
Further Government updates
School Closure Update
As you are aware the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, announced the closure of schools to all students, apart from those who are children of key workers or those who are considered vulnerable.
This now means that during the Spring 1 half term:
1. School is closed to all students, except children of critical key workers or those who are considered vulnerable.
2. All other students should remain at home and access their learning through our MS Teams remote learning platform, where students will access a mixture of live lessons and independent study.
We are hoping that students will return to us after the February break and will keep you updated with any information we have over the course of the coming weeks.
Year 11 Exams
You will be aware that during the Prime Minister’s address on Monday 4th January, it was explained that it is not possible, or fair, for all exams to go ahead as normal this summer. On the 6th January, Secretary of State for Education announced that all exam grades will be decided through teacher assessment. As a school, we will ensure that there is a robust and fair assessment process in place. We acknowledge the hard work that has been demonstrated by our Year 11 students and it will be important for them to continue this, to deliver the evidence which will support them in securing the very best grades.
There are some vocational exams scheduled for the next two weeks that will continue. We will contact parents individually if this applies to your child.
Distance learning and support
Students have had an incredibly positive start to their distance learning, and we want to say well done to them. There will be some technical difficulties which we will continue to work through. We really appreciate your patience and understanding with this.
To further support the use of MS Teams, we wanted to draw your attention to where support materials can be found on our website. This contains everything you need to know for successful distance learning: https://www.chorltonhigh.manchester.sch.uk/chs-distance-learning/distance-learning-introduction-and-routine/using-microsoft-office-365.
Updated Friday, 18th Dec 2020
Thank you for all your support this half term.
- Well done to our students for their creativity and numerous charity drives
- We will continue to contact trace until Christmas Eve. Please email us if your child receives a positive test using admin@chorltonhigh.manchester.sch.uk
- The Government has announced that at the start of term that only Year 11, vulnerable and key workers children will return to school. Others students will stay at home and learn online. This is to reduce the rates of transmission of the Covid-19 virus
- All Year 11 students should return to school on Tuesday 5th January 2020, where their lessons will continue as normal, as far as is possible.
- All students in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 will remain at home from Tuesday 5th to Friday 8th January and access their learning through our MS Teams remote learning platform. We will provide parents with further details to support this by 3pm on Monday 4th January
- If you believe you child falls into the vulnerable or keyworker categories and would like to take up the ‘in school’ provision then please can you email the school admin email address admin@chorltonhigh.manchester.sch.uk by 1pm on Monday 4th January to notify us.
- Wishing you a lovely Christmas, and a happy, healthy New Year.
Updated Friday, 11th Dec 2020
• Thank you to all parents who completed the survey sent out last week. This will feed into the work we complete during the January INSET Day, where we will review our current offer and plan for the future.
Last week arrangements
• On Thursday 17th December we will be having our Christmas dinner day. This will be observed in a socially distance manner, so it may well take us all day! It is also our Christmas Accessories Day, when students can accessorise their uniform with a festive item, in return for a donation to their Year group charity.
• On Friday 18th December we have an early finish: 1.30pm for Years 7 to 9, and 1.45 for Years 10 and 11.
School Covid-19 Contact Tracing until Tuesday, 22nd December:
• If your child develops Covid symptoms then please arrange for them to be tested as soon as possible.
• If your child goes for a Covid-19 test and the result is positive, please contact the school as soon as possible by email, using the school’s admin email address: admin@chorltonhigh.manchester.sch.uk
• This mailbox will be remotely supervised from Monday 21st to Thursday, 24th December.
• If the school is notified of a positive case, we will then email the parents of students who have been noted as close contacts in lessons. Please check your emails daily to ensure you are not affected
• This process will be managed remotely, as the school is officially closed. There will not be anyone in school who can take a call at this time, however the email will give the details of how to receive any further support.
• After 24th December you would need to contact Test & Trace for further advice as it would no longer have an impact on the school community.
• If your child has developed symptoms or tested positive for Covid near the start of the new term then please notify school on Monday 4th January 2021 so we can ensure that we can provide appropriate support.
• Students should return to school as normal on Tuesday 5th January 2021
This means our team will, after an incredibly hard year, be on duty up until to and including Christmas Eve to play their part in keeping our community safe. Please can we remind all parents that if anyone in your household has any symptoms, your child stays at home until the person has had a Covid test and received the result. They may only return to school if this result is negative.
Digital Safety Updates
• See attachment sent on email to read important information regarding supporting your child’s digital safety
Updated Friday, 4 Dec 2020
We are coming towards the end of the first term back after school closure and the school would value immensely your feedback around how this has been for your child and you as their parents. We always take time to reflect and consider how we can improve moving forward and your place in this development is invaluable. Please can you take 5 minutes to complete the survey using this link: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/LB3VCDC
Updated Friday, 27 Nov 2020
Thanks to all Year 11 Parents who attended the virtual Parents' Evening
This week we wanted to share some key messages about our Home Learning offer:
• All home learning tasks for all year groups are issued on MS TEAMS. You can monitor and support your child’s home learning by logging in with them
• Each student has a personal class team for every one of their subjects
• Every day – their teacher uploads the lesson materials onto the ‘Files’ section of class teams.
• Students can revise and revisit key materials from lesson each day and use the CHS Secrets to Success for the most effective revision strategies. We have attached a copy of this for your information.
• Students should follow their normal timetable and the normal school day
• All lesson materials are saved in the ‘Files’ Section of each Class Team every-day.
• Students complete all Assignments set in their Assignments tab
• Students use the CHAT function to communicate with their teacher to ask questions or submit any completed work.
• If your child’s entire class has been advised to self-isolate, students will have access to a live lesson schedule. In Year 7 and 8, this will happen for almost all of their subjects each day. For Year 9-11, this will be made available in Core Subjects. Students should join Live Lessons through their Calendar in MS Teams
• Teams can be accessed through the MS Teams App or through the web on www.office.com. Teams is accessible through all digital devices, including laptops, chromebooks, ipads and apple and android phones.
Updated Friday, 20 Nov 2020
- Progress checkpoints started really well for Year 7 -10, these continue over the next week. For further information click this link: https://www.chorltonhigh.manchester.sch.uk/student-life/assessment-and-reporting/year-7-9-progress-tests
- Year 11 have completed their mock exams, any catch up exams will be completed over the next couple of weeks and the feedback process will begin.
- If you want to see more detailed information regarding your child’s curriculum, please click the link:
- Year 11 Virtual Parents’ Evening is next Thursday (26th November). If you have any concerns about how to access the video call system, please call or email the school and we will support you.
- A reminder that Friday, 27th November is an Inset Day so no students will be in school.
Updated Friday, 13th Nov 2020
Students have returned from half term really well
- Due to a large amount of staff absence created by illness, self-isolation and contact tracing the school want to share with parents that there might come a time in the near future where we are unable to offer full school provision and may need to close to one or two year groups
- The decision to close the school to any students will not be taken lightly and we will give parents as much notice as we can
- If we have to make the decision to close to a year group, our intention is that this will be shared amongst different year groups, students will continue to work on MS teams, where staffing levels allow, we will offer live lessons in core subjects and no one year group will be out for more than several days in any given week
- We hope to retain Year 11 at all times due to this year being an examination year for the students
- We are sharing this information with the hope that this is not a route we have to go down but feel it is our duty to keep our parents updated
- Progress checkpoints begin for Year 7 – Year 10 next week. Please CLICK HERE for more information
- Please catch our fortnightly newsletter, Chorlton Connection, that will be emailed to you later this afternoon
Updated Friday, 06th Nov 2020
Year 7 -10
- We have been really impressed with the positive attitude students have returned to school with
- Students should be revising for progress checkpoints that start on 16th November
- All year groups begin their charity drive as part of their pastoral curriculum
- Year 8 have a virtual parents' evening next week on 11th November 2020 - 4 pm until 4:30 pm.
Year 11
- We have been really impressed with the positive attitude students have returned to school with
- Year 11 have started their mock exams and these will continue next week
- Year 11 parents' evening is on Thursday, 23rd November and will be held virtually through our parent booking system
- College applications and personal statements are due in by Tuesday, 1st December
Updated Friday, 23rd Oct 2020
All year groups:
• Monday 2nd November is an Inset Day and so all students return on Tuesday, 3rd November.
• As in gets colder after the half term we would really advise students to wear the school jumper under their blazer. A reminder that these can be purchased from the school’s uniform supplier, John McHugh, in the Streford Arndale Centre, or online www.johnmchughschoolwear.co.uk. Having good ventilation in classrooms will be important over the coming months so we will continue to remind students that they may wish to wear a t-shirt or vest under their shirts.
• If your child would like to take part in BBC School Reporter, time is running out. Use the following link for further details:
Year 7 and 8 Parents
Not long after half term, students will be completing their first set of progress checkpoints. Checkpoint timetables and planners have been given to your child today and more detailed information has been uploaded to MS teams. During half term we would like students to make a strong start on revision and complete the following:
- They should put together 3 revision cards for each subject studied. Resources have been shared with students and the information has been shared on the Year Team page. Students will be asked to present and celebrate their collection of revision cards in the first week back after the break.
Year 9 and 10 Parents
Not long after half term, students will be completing their first set of progress checkpoints. Checkpoint timetables and planners have been given to your child today and more detailed information has been uploaded to MS teams. During half term we would like students to make a strong start on revision and complete the following 3 tasks:
- Using a mind map, give a brief summary of each of the topics learnt in each of your subjects this half-term.
- To discover one more revision tool – direct to area of website with revision tools.
- Use this to get to grips with a topic that you found tricky this half term.
Year 11 Parents
As you are aware students return to complete their GCSE Mock Exams week beginning 3rd November. Students are expected to come to school on time and equipped with correct stationary including scientific calculators in a see-through pencil case. We are also running live revision sessions during half term on MS Teams. We have uploaded all the information on Year 11 MS Team site and you can also use the following link for more detailed information regarding these mock exams:
As a parent you can do the following:
- Familiarise yourself with mock exam timetable.
- Constant reminder about half term revision session. I have also attached the timetable just in case!
- Keep them away from digital distractions.
- Help them come up with practical ideas that will help them revise, such as drawing up a revision schedule or getting hold of past papers for practice or exam revision list.
- Make sure they are organised with revision guides, stationary and past papers.
- If your child is struggling with a specific subject, talk to the relevant teacher or Year 11 team.
- Make sure they are eating, drinking and sleeping properly.
- Reassure them – reinforce that you are, and will be, proud of them no matter what happens.
- Remain positive and hopeful!
Updated Friday, 16th Oct 2020
Help for parents
We are aware this is a very difficult time for families at the moment and we want you to know we can support in many ways. Please call the school on 0161 882 1150 or email staysafe@chorltonhigh.manchester.sch.uk to alert staff that you need some help or support. This support may be regarding food, mental health and wellbeing, bereavement support, health or family support. Please remember, if you feel you need advice to support your family, or are worried and need to talk to somebody then there is always someone in school to speak to Monday to Friday, every week, including the holidays between 8.30-3.00pm
Key reminders:
Year 11 parents’ evening will now take place on Thursday, 26th November 4pm until 6:45pm.
Year 8 parents’ evening will take place on Wednesday, 11th November 4pm until 6:45pm.
Information for how this will take place will be sent to parents in the coming week.
Updated Friday, 9th Oct 2020
MS Teams reminders:
• All home learning is issued through MS Teams, in the Assignments Tab of each of the Class Teams. Students can also track their progress in this section.
• All daily lessons are uploaded onto Teams, which can be used for students who are self-isolating but also as an excellent daily revision tool to review student learning.
• Students can ask questions to their teachers using the ‘CHAT’ function.
Summary of other key messages:
• Over the coming months we need to ensure that there is good ventilation across the school. As the weather continues to cool, students may wish to wear vests or t-shirts underneath their uniform to keep them warm as the windows and doors in classrooms will remain open during the winter period to aid fresh air circulation.
• Reusable face coverings remain a key aspect of school uniform. If you want to take part in this, please send what face coverings you can, in with your child, and we will distribute these as necessary.
• Starting next week, we will be welcoming a working Guide Dog into our school, who will be support one of our students.
Updated Friday, 2nd Oct 2020
The process when the school is notified of a positive test result:
• We immediately carry out a full risk assessment, in line with Public Health England (PHE) guidance.
• This process identifies all those who have been in ‘close contact’ with the person in question. The school takes a lead on this and works with the individual to identify anyone they feel that have been in ‘close contact’ with in the 48 hours leading up to them starting with symptoms or them testing positive.
• We then take advice from PHE on any subsequent action that must be taken with all those involved.
• This invariably means that any identified individuals have to self-isolate for 14 days from their last contact even if they have no symptoms; in some cases, this seems excessive, but this is the clear guidance that we must all follow.
• We make direct contact with parents where a student is identified as a ‘close contact’ as it helps to ensure prompt action, limits possible spread and safeguards the health and safety of both the student and the wider school community.
• All decisions are very carefully considered as you can imagine and are reviewed by Senior Leaders across the Trust.
• We will not routinely alert all parents when we are notified of a positive test result. We need to ensure that the school continues to run calmly without generating additional stress and concern. We also need to respect the privacy of individuals and their families.
Important reminder: How you can support with safety at home?
1. Be extra vigilant of Covid symptoms:
The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are:
• recent onset of a new continuous cough and/or
• a high temperature and/or
• a loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia)
If your child, or anyone in your household, develops these symptoms, your whole household must remain at home and not go to work, school or public areas until a test has been taken by the person who has developed symptoms. Once the results have been received contact with school must be made before a student returns.
Further information is available at www.nhs.uk/coronavirus
If a student needs to self-isolate, then they should follow their timetable at home as all their work will be available on Teams. Please contact school if you require additional support.
2. Reinforce messages about social distancing at social times and the need to avoid ‘direct contact’:
(maybe when they are making their way to and from school, during lunchtime or when they are with friends.)
The Public Health England definition of ‘close contact’ includes:
• face to face contact for any length of time, within 1m, including a face to face conversation,
• physical contact (skin to skin) or travel in a small vehicle.
Obviously, we have already been giving students these messages, including some specifics such as:
• Avoid having face to face conversations when less than 2m apart without wearing a mask
• Avoid touching, handshakes and hugging
• Avoid sharing equipment such as stationary, ICT or instruments etc.
• If they are walking to school together and are walking closely together, they may need to wear a mask to make sure they are not ‘face to face’ when talking.
If an individual was to test positive, any friends that they have had direct contact with in the 48 hours before will also have to self-isolate, not go out of the home and will have to study from home for 14 days.