20 March 2019

Image of Wellbeing research - Year 7 Student Councillors

Wellbeing by Ella Butterworth, Year 7 Student Councillor

At Chorlton High we have many ways to support wellbeing for the students. Everything from our 'Thinc Room' to free fruit helps us be as happy as we can be. After ‘Have Your Say Day’, we found that 91% of the 198 students who took part used the library as a place to relax, but some students do not know about our 'Thinc' Room, Kooth and the school Nurse as a wellbeing option. I didn’t know what they were or how to use them until we took part in ‘Have Your Say Day’.

We have discussed wellbeing in lessons such as in PE Theory, RE, English and Respect - though the fact that 66% of students didn’t know what wellbeing was really shows us we need to take action.  A lot of us use activities such as baking, meditating, writing stories and listening to music to manage our stress and allow us to build our resilience.

We have given our ideas from our Whole School Council meetings to the CHS Senior Leadership Team and the Heads of Year to address with students in assembly and form time.


Wellbeing research by our Year 7 Student Councillors

The definition of wellbeing is ‘the state of being comfortable healthy or happy’.

What this means to us as eleven to sixteen year olds is finding a comfortable place to sit and relax. It could also be someone to talk to or something else that makes you feel happy and healthy and good about yourself. 

When we organised a questionnaire around the school we asked ‘how do you think wellbeing activities could be better advertised?’

The most popular answers from all the students were:


  • A wellbeing booklet like the CHS extra-curricular booklet for all students
  • Could be talked about in form time more regularly
  • Poster campaign around the school 
  • Advertised on the back of toilet doors
  • A wellbeing notice board

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