28 February 2019

Image of #STEMfest - Careers workshop

Careers in Media and Advertising as part of #STEMfest2019.

A selection of our Year 9 students to part in a Media and Advertising workshop to help to develop an awareness of digital careers in STEM. 

Working in groups they were tasked with creating an advertising pitch for a brand of cereal. 



To do this, they considered target audiences, product users, budget constraints and creative advertising strategies. Students used data to research their products more deeply, allowing for a more informed decision for the best media strategy to advertise their cereal. Following this they then worked as a team, deciding on roles, to write and develop their pitch. They took feedback from mini critiques between groups before their final presentation to the whole audience, where they showed impressive oracy and leadership skills to confidently deliver their message and to answer expert questions from the board. 

The wining team won a highly coveted prize, a box of cereal!

Our thanks to all students who worked extremely hard and helped to make this an exciting and fun #STEMfest2019 event.

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