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Mental Health & Wellbeing

Mental Health & Wellbeing

As part of our approach at Chorlton High we use the SEL Essentials (Social and Emotional Learning) which pervades all that we do and has a common language and ethos at its core.

Ensuring our students are at their peak mental fitness now and in the future is central to our drive to enable them to be Successful (by providing foundations for lifelong success) Creative (able to explore “real – life” and respond by being imaginative risk takers prepared to lead the future) Happy (develop understanding that allows their confidence to come from within).

Our Mental Fitness curriculum is embedded within a student’s Respect lessons and their Pastoral curriculum. Their learning is underpinned with regular assemblies, ‘focus’ weeks, and 'Wellbeing Wednesdays' during form tutor sessions. 

An awareness to the pressures of learning (and ongoing assessment) is paramount, especially when supporting our young people to be the best that they can be. All subject teachers ensure the development of resilience, and a growth mindset, is key a key component of a student’s learning. This is reinforced throughout our other curriculum areas too, with PE, Dance, Drama, Art, and Music, all incorporating creative approaches to instil a healthy emotional balance.

There are times when young people need particular guidance to navigate the challenges of adolescence.

Wave 1

The first level of support incorporates a variety of small mechanisms.

These include:

  • Online services such as Kooth and Health for Teens
  • Direction to support websites
  • Time out
  • Access to a ‘quiet space’
  • One to one time with Head of Year or mentor

Wave 2

Access to specific small group programmes.

These include:

  • Grow and Rise
  • Growth Mindset
  • Mindfulness Sessions
  • Emotional Regulation
  • Sensory Circuits
  • M Thrive Group Sessions
  • City Thrives

Wave 3

Referral to more bespoke in-school therapies on a one to one or small group basis.

These include:

  • THINC room
  • Music Therapy
  • 42ND Street Counselling
  • Anna Freud On-line Counselling
  • M Thrive referral
Wave 4

In some cases we may decide to make a referral to outside services such as: 

  • Speech AND Language
  • Educational Psychology
  • School Nurse Service

Referral to Wave 2 and 3 in school interventions are made by your child’s Head of Year.

Following referral they will be placed on the waiting list for the intervention that it is felt would best suit their need.

If at any time you feel your child’s mental health is putting them at risk of significant harm we advise that you contact your GP or take them to your nearest A&E