Conduct and Rewards

Chorlton High School has three school rules which every student is expected to follow:

Chorlton high school code of conduct

Our expectations of excellent conduct are relentlessly communicated to our students throughout the year in lessons, tutor time and assemblies.

From their first day at Chorlton High, students are taught and shown exactly how we expect their behaviour to be through our Learning Behaviours Programme.

Our students:

  • Help and respect everyone in our school and local community
  • Wear full uniform at all times with pride
  • Always have the correct equipment for each school day
  • Are always on time to school and lessons
  • Complete all class work and home learning tasks to the best of their ability
  • Have very few, if any, behaviour points (the average is less than 3 per student in one academic year)
  • Take personal responsibility for their actions, conduct and possessions
  • Listen carefully when others are speaking
  • Ensure their phone is switched off throughout the school day
  • Leave electronic devices at home
  • Respect our school environment
  • Are responsible citizens and reduce their carbon footprint whenever possible
  • Represent our school positively in our local community at all times


We strongly believe that regularly recognising rewarding our students for their excellent effort, conduct and achievement is the key to ensuring our students are Successful, Creative and Happy.

Daily classroom based rewards for students are recorded on ARBOR which allows parents and carers to join us in celebrating excellent effort and behaviour. The rewards can include achievement points, star of the lesson, positive phone calls home and praise postcards.

With regard to pastoral rewards, students receive recognition for excellent attendance and punctuality as well as personalised rewards such as being invited to the Headteacher’s office to have brunch or receiving the termly Head of Year Award for making an outstanding contribution to our local community.
Regular competitions also take place between forms, based on which group can accrue the most achievement points or gain the highest attendance rate.

Whole school rewards include termly subject commendation awards which recognise excellence and endeavour in each subject area, the Deputy Head Teacher’s commendation award for students with excellent effort in all subject areas, the recognition of students with a perfect record of conduct and annual Headteacher’s award for all round excellence. Alongside this, we organise reward trips and events in school throughout the year to recognise and reward the success of our students. 

In Year 11, we organise the annual Leaver’s Ball to celebrate students who have shown consistently high effort and excellent conduct throughout their five years at Chorlton High. To recognise achievement in the GCSE examinations, we host our Key Stage 4 Awards Evening in school. Parents and carers are invited to attend this prestigious event with their child and share in their successes with our Headteacher, their Head of Year and  the Senior Leadership Team.