Home Learning

Chorlton High School recognises that Home Learning is a key factor in supporting the 5-year learning journey for our students.

Excellent learning habits such as organisation, prioritisation and practice enable students to be independent learners equipped for success in all they do.

Home learning is work that is set to be done outside the timetabled curriculum. It contains an element of independent study in that it is not usually directly supervised by a teacher. It is important in raising student achievement; it enhances student learning, improves achievement and develops students' study skills and as such is an integral part of the curriculum. It requires careful planning and integration into the scheme of work of each curriculum area.

Not all home learning is completed at home; in fact, for some students who find it hard to work at home, or for some tasks which may require resources (books, software, equipment) that are more readily available at school, it is necessary or desirable to carry out the task at school.

Three Keys to Home Learning

Home learning is homework that is set by a class teacher and requires submission.

Chorlton High School will set all Home Learning tasks through an online platform which is available to all students and parents. Students should use assignments in Microsoft Teams to see what home learning has been set by their class teachers.

Home Learning Plans


We use various platforms and applications to support home learning assignments. Below we have shared the most frequently used within our curriculum.

Usernames and passwords will be shared by each subject teacher who can also reset any forgotten passwords.

Microsoft Office - All subjects. This also allows students access to the office suite at home.

Sparx Maths - Maths.

Educake - English, Science and Computer Science.

Quizlet - MFL (French and Spanish).

GCSE pod - All Subjects (KS4). Home Learning, revision and assessment preparation (Home Study).

Seneca Learning - All Subjects. Home Learning, revision and assessment preparation (Home Study).

Home Study is preparation for assessments and tests, reflection and gap filling after Progress Test assessments or Mocks (Year 11).  In the build up to our assessments, non-examined assessments (NEAs) or any examinations, home learning becomes home study which is independent enquiry. This takes place during the second half term of each term.

Home Study - Year 10 Foundations for Key Stage 4 Success

Please download the resource below, it is intended to help focus expectations, conversations, content and direction around purposeful home learning habits for our Year 10 students as they begin their Key Stage 4 journey.

We have put together a sheet for each one of our subjects - each sheet outlines the content students should aim to secure within each grade boundary.

The subject sheets identify:

  • What individual students need to know at each key grade
  • What skills they need to focus upon developing and securing

Year 10 Foundations for Key Stage 4 Success

We also encourage our students to devote time to home reading as this will give students a wider knowledge base and understanding of the world. We expect all of our students to read at least three times a week at home, however we would like to encourage them to read daily.  

Microsoft Teams - User Guide and further information