Ofsted Information

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The most recent Ofsted report can be accessed on the official Ofsted website using the link below:

Ofsted Report for Chorlton High School

2021 Short Inspection

The school was inspected by Ofsted on Tuesday 19th and Wednesday 20th October 2021. We are delighted that so many strengths of the school were recognised by the Lead Inspector. The report can be read via the link above.

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2016 Short Inspection

The Ofsted HMI visit on Tuesday 12th July was a 'short' inspection, when two inspectors spent one day in the school in order to satisfy themselves that the school was maintaining high standards. At the end of this day they informed us that they were extremely pleased with what they had seen. As this was not a full inspection a full report will not be written, however we received a letter from the Lead Inspector.

The Ofsted team told Leaders how close the school was to being judged 'Outstanding'. The letter commends the high quality of safeguarding, curriculum and teaching within the school. The inspectors also recognised the other aspects of our school that we value; the high quality cultural development, the many opportunities offered to students to take part in enrichment activities and to contribute to their community.

We are also delighted that our students are praised for being 'polite, mature, courteous and are rightly proud of their school'. We are extremely appreciative of the positive support from parents that was acknowledge by the Ofsted team. The report also states that we have established an ambitious culture for the school. It is in this vain that we are now starting on the next phase of our development, taking into account the comments from Ofsted and feedback from students, parents and staff, to ensure that Chorlton High School continues to develop as an outstanding comprehensive school for our community.

The feedback from the Inspection was based on the 2015 results, therefore it seems very fitting that shortly after their visit in August 2016 the GCSE examination results are some of the best in the school's history. They are a significant improvement on 2015 for all groups of students.

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The school last received an Ofsted inspection in 2011. Please refer to the download section for the full report.

Their overall judgement was that Chorlton High School is a ‘Good’ school and identified many features that were ‘Outstanding’.

Ofsted were very complimentary about our self evaluation and improvement  processes "The school has a very accurate picture of its own strengths and weaknesses and has some exceptional practice in the evaluation of the impact of its improvement work." They stated that "As a result of this and the overall improvements, the school demonstrates outstanding capacity for further improvement."

The report recognised the improvement in the Quality of Teaching and Learning across the school and the significant rise in student outcomes.

"Learning is characterised by positive relationships and a calm and purposeful atmosphere"..... "There is rigorous monitoring of progress and a rapid response to identify and intervene when students fall behind. This raises aspirations and drives up attainment."

Inspectors singled out the attitude of students to learning "the behaviour of students in lessons is exceptionally good; teachers ensure that students have appropriate activities and that learning proceeds at a good pace." They also championed the provision of care, guidance and support across the school "Students, on the whole, feel safe in school and report very few incidents of bullying or other serious misbehaviour. They are very confident that the school can deal effectively with any concerns or problems they might experience"..... "The care and guidance of students is characterised by a dogged determination on the part of leaders and managers to ensure that everyone succeeds, regardless of the barriers that may exist to their learning."

In addition, the school had a music inspection in April 2010.  Please refer to the download section on the right of this page for the outcome letter.

Ofsted Parent View

Parent View Log



Parent View LINK gives parents the chance to tell Ofsted what they think about Chorlton High School.

Parent View asks for opinions on 12 aspects of the school, from the quality of teaching, to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour. Ofsted will use the information provided when making decisions about which schools to inspect, and when.

We would encourage any parents of students at Chorlton High School to share their views and experience on Parent View to help us to improve. Whilst we will review and action any comments made on Parent View we hope that parents also feel able to discuss any concerns directly with a member of staff so we can personally deal with any issues as promptly and effectively as possible.

View the Ofsted Report for Chorlton High School:
