All students follow a broad and balanced curriculum which stretches and challenges but also provides the scaffolding to ensure that students reach their potential. As students’ progress through the Key Stage there is increasing opportunity for them to craft and personalise their curriculum, underpinned by high quality provision in the core subjects: English, Mathematics and Science.
Throughout Year 7 and 8 students also study; Modern Foreign Languages, Computing, Humanities (History, Geography, RE), a range of Technology subjects, Art, Drama, Dance, Music and PE giving them a varied and stimulating daily diet of lessons and experiences.
In Year 9 students will continue the key stage 3 curriculum and will have an opportunity explore one Arts subject in more depth. Students will choose their ‘Arts Elective’ in Art, Dance, Drama, Music, or Music Technology and will receive two hours a week in that option.
This gives students an opportunity to gain a deeper, conceptual understanding of that subject and build powerful knowledge and skills that are transferrable to other subject areas.
All students follow the core curriculum and can specialise in an unrivalled range of GCSE and technical subjects. We offer a wide range of courses allowing students to follow the route most appropriate to their needs, interests or future career path.
Our curriculum is rigorous and challenging; creative and inspiring; diverse and wide ranging; perfect for the vibrant and eclectic range of students we teach. This is reflected in the sharp and continuing rise in our examination results and other indicators over the last few years. We pride ourselves on meeting the needs of our students and motivating them to achieve through our rich and engaging curriculum.
Details of the Curriculum Offer:
Details of the curriculum offer can be accessed on the Year group curriculum pages.
If you require further information, please contact:
Chorlton High School Curriculum Policy 2024
‘The highest function of education is to bring about an integrated individual who is capable of dealing with life as a whole.’
- J.Krishnamurti (philosopher, writer and speaker)
We enable our learners to develop as successful, creative, and happy young people we will provide a curriculum which:
Is broad and balanced; that promotes character and the personal, social, physical, spiritual, moral, and cultural development of our students and prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities, and experiences of adult life.
At Chorlton High School we are committed to providing high quality educational opportunities for our community. Our vision is based on the belief that a rich and knowledge led curriculum is a vital component of life.
We nurture academic success alongside creativity and imagination throughout the school curriculum to help learners to secure the knowledge, skills and personal qualities they will need for future success.
Learners who gain deep and powerful knowledge in preparation for life; combining academic rigour, curiosity and creative flair.
Learners who are imaginative, optimistic and inventive; finding their voice to become effective communicators prepared for lifelong adaptability.
Learners who are confident, resilient, well-rounded citizens; they understand the world’s communities and are ready to discover their place in it.
Subject Overviews
*Please note - Parents have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of RE (Religious Education).
This can be instigated by contacting our school via the email below.