Examinations Information

For all relevant information for GCSE External Examinations and College Entry Examinations please see below.

Exam Support and Preparation

The video below shows a presentation shared with parents during a Parents Information Evening hosted on Thursday 21st March 2024. 

A copy of the presentation can also be found below. This outlines key messages for English, MFL (Languages), Science and Maths, as well as some key exam messaging and the importance of revision planning.


Revision Clock 

The revision clock is designed to help students break down their time revising for exams and assessments. It follows a Map, Master, Move Forward and Check approach.Chorlton high school exams revision clock

The first 10 minutes:

  • Review your knowledge – What do you already know?

The next 20 minutes:

  • Learn – Purposeful Practice through revision activities.

The next 20 minutes:

  • Practice – Retrieval Practice to self-test and complete practice questions.

The last 10 minutes:

  • Check – Check your answers then review and update your revision list based on how secure you now feel.


GCSE Pod and SENECA Learning

There are two main revision sites that students can use for revision. These are to support students with revision for most of their subjects. 

Students have accounts for both GCSE Pod and SENECA Learning. Their username will be their Prospere email address (for example 24AB01@Prospere.org.uk). Their passwords have been shared with them already, but if they forget and need a reminder, they can ask a teacher in school or get in contact with Mr Rayworth on Microsoft Teams or in school in F49. 

Below is a short video presentation about how best to use each Revision Site for preparing for Exams. 

CHS Student Intranet

Please use link below to access our student intranet site. Here you will find additional resources and revision tools. There are copies of their revision lists, PLC's, Knowledge organisers and lots of other tips and hints to use throughout the exam preparation.

Student Intranet

Exam Certificates

Leavers can ussually collect their certificates from November.

A KS3 Awards evening invite will go out to all pupils nearer the time.

Students who have left within the last 3 years can collect their certificates from the school reception between 8.30am and 3pm, Monday to Friday.

If you left school 3 or more years ago, please contact the relevant Awarding Body to discuss retrieval of results and certificates.

Certificates must be collected by the student where possible. If you wish for someone else to collect them on your behalf, please make sure that the appointed person has a signed letter from you and has identification with them. Please be aware that we cannot post certificates under any circumstances.

If you have lost or damaged your certificates, you must contact the relevant Awarding Bodies to arrange a replacement. School can provide a printed copy of your results on school headed paper if required.

If you require any further information about collecting certificates, please contact our Examinations Officer



External Exams

Please note; External exams are timetabled by Awarding Bodies.

The exam dates are final and cannot be rescheduled. AM exams start at 8.45am and PM exams start at 1.00pm - late arrival could result in refusal of entry to the exam room.

Please check your child's Statement of Entry - this will contain the Legal Forename, Surname and Date of Birth that we have on record. Please ensure that this is correct before 1st April. This will be the final opportunity to correct any details before being sent to the Awarding Bodies. After this date, you will be charged to correct any of the details above.

Timetable Information

Internal Mock

Year 11 College Entry Mock Exams generally take place in November. Timetable information will appear here as it becomes available.


Year 10 and 11 qualifications list for 2024/2025 will appear below as information becomes available.

This list can be very helpful when you are looking to provide information for your College/Apprenticeship Applications.

Subject Specification Title Awarding Body
Art GCSE in Art & Design (Art, Craft & Design)
GCSE in Art & Design (Photography)
GCSE in Art & Design (3D Art) 
Computer and Technology     GCSE Business 
GCSE Computer Science
BTEC L1/2 CAMNAT Enterprise and Marketing Y11 only
BTEC L1/2 Pearson Enterprise Y10 only
BTEC L1/2 Tech Award in Digital IT 
Dance GCSE in Dance AQA
Drama GCSE Drama AQA
English GCSE English Language
GCSE English Literature
Geography GCSE Geography B (Geog for Enquiring Minds) OCR
History GCSE History Edexcel
Mathematics GCSE Maths A (Higher)
GCSE Maths (Foundation)
AQA Cert  L2 in Further Maths
ELC Mathematics
Media Studies GCSE Media Studies Y10 only
GCSE Media Studies Y11 only
MFL - French GCSE French AQA
MFL - Spanish GCSE Spanish AQA
Music GCSE Music
BTEC L1/L2 Tech Award in Music Practice
Physical Education GCSE Physical Education
Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Sport Studies 
Religious Education GCSE Religious Studies A AQA
Science GCSE Triple Science
GCSE Combined Science (Trilogy)
Technology GCSE Food Preparation & Nutrition
GCSE D&T: Design & Technology
BTEC L1/2 Tech Award in Health and Social Care
Computer and Technology GCSE Business 
GCSE Computer Science
BTEC L1/2 CAMNAT Enterprise and Marketing Y11 only
BTEC L1/2 Pearson Enterprise Y10 only
BTEC L1/2 Tech Award in Digital IT 
EAL Arabic 


Exam Regulations

Below, you will find the JCQ regulations for Internally and Externally Assessed work for the current academic year. It is very important that all students sitting examinations at Chorlton High School in Summer 2025 familiarise themselves with these regulations. They contain malpractice information and regulations which are relevant to your GCSE examinations and Controlled Assessments. 

Exam Regulations Information