Home School Agreement

The Home School Agreement outlines our expectations of all our students and Parents/Carers. By signing this agreement, all stakeholders are demonstrating their commitment  and support for our policies and management of student learning and behaviour.


Having signed this agreement, I/we will:

  • Ensure that my child attends school every day
  • Ensure that my child wears the correct school uniform every day
  • Ensure that my child arrives on time for school each day
  • Inform the school on the first day of absence by 8.30am at the latest
  • Support all of the school’s policies, including any sanctions given
  • Attend Parent’s evenings, virtual information events and all meetings requested
  • Support and encourage my child with all home learning including planning and preparing for all assessments and examinations
  • Work with all Chorlton High staff positively and respectfully 
  • Celebrate in my child’s successes and rewards throughout the year


Our school will:

  • Provide a safe and welcoming ethos where your child can flourish and be Successful, Creative and Happy
  • Instil the value and expectations of our three simple school rules - Be Ready Be Respectful Be Safe -
  • Provide outstanding support for your child through our dedicated Pastoral, Access and Achievement and Safeguarding teams
  • Provide a broad and balanced Curriculum  that will challenge, motivate and engage your child
  • Encourage and support your child in developing skills of independence and personal responsibility 
  • Ensure that your child attains the highest possible results in all assessments and examinations
  • Maintain regular contact with you to keep you informed of your child’s progress and performance across all areas of school life
  • Offer regular opportunities for you to share your ‘parent voice’ and work with us to make our school even better


I will:

  • Be Ready, Respectful and Safe at all times
  • Attend school every day and always be on time
  • Bring the correct equipment I need for school each day
  • Wear my full uniform correctly and with pride at all times
  • Be on time to all of my lessons
  • Complete all of work in lessons to my best possible standard
  • Complete all of my home learning tasks
  • Plan, and revise carefully for all of my progress tests, assessments and exams
  • Use good manners and help everyone in our school and local community
  • Feel proud to be an outstanding student of Chorlton High
  • Care for our school environment and take responsibility for reducing  my carbon footprint