Arrangements for School Opening in September - Year 9

1.    The start of term: on-site Covid-19 testing.

We have been instructed by the Department for Education to facilitate all students having two on-site lateral flow tests, 3 to 5 days apart on their return in the Autumn term, just as we did earlier this year. This means that we will have a slightly staggered return to school. We will be inviting Year 7 in for a Transition day on Friday 3rd September. This is officially an INSET Day, so there will be no other students in school that day. This will give our new students the opportunity to have the Induction Day that we were unable to run during the summer term giving them a proper chance to get to know their form and their tutor as they start our school. 

Years 8-11 will return from Monday 6th September onwards initially coming into the Green Room to be tested prior to returning to the main building, please see details below. All students will be in full attendance from Wednesday 8th September. The second on-site test will be conducted during the week and we are led to believe that students will then be supplied with test at home kits to enable them to carry these out twice weekly until the end of September, when this will be reviewed by the Department for Education. 

If you have already given consent for testing, you do not need to do so again. If you have previously given consent but now wish to withdraw it then you must contact us as soon as possible via an email to .  If you haven’t previously given consent, you will be contacted following this letter. We will write to the parents of all new Year 7 students to explain the process and to seek consent.


Year 9 forms will be given a timeslot to attend Tuesday 7th September afternoon. After their tests they will return home and they will be notified of the result.  They will then return to school at 8.30 the following morning if their test is negative. 
If a student has a positive test result, they will need to self-isolate immediately in line with the stay-at-home guidance until they receive their confirmatory PCR test. 


2.    Timetable overview for September 2021 for all students

Timings                  Activity

8.30                       Line up – Each Year group will have a designated zone outside. 
8:30 – 9:00            Form time
9:00 – 10:00          Period 1
10:00 – 11:15        Period 2 – including a 15-minute break which will be staggered in Year groups.
11:15 – 12:15        Period 3
12:15 – 13:45        Period 4 - including a 30 minute lunch break which will be staggered in Year groups.
13:45 – 14:45        Period 5
14:45                     End of day 

3.    The ‘control measures’ that will be in place  
We are all looking forward to a more flexible way of working in school during the next academic year. However, we are also aware that we will need to keep in place a set of ‘control measures’; these will be closely monitored and reviewed regularly. If there are public health concerns locally or nationally, we will need to respond and make changes to these. We sincerely hope that our new system of controls marks an important step towards a much more settled educational experience for our young people.

From September:

  • There will be a controlled entry into the building. Each morning students should arrive no more than 10 minutes before their school start time, which will be 8.30am for all Year groups and line up in a designated part of the school playground. Students will be met by their tutor and escorted into the building. 
  • Students will use specialist teaching rooms around the school, however there will be consistent rooming of subjects that do not use specialist teaching facilities, to reduce movement around the school building during the Autumn term.
  • Students continue to have the opportunity to increase the washing or sanitising of hands before and after lessons; there are good handwashing facilities and many hand sanitiser units around the school. 
  • There is a process of frequent cleaning of high contact areas by an onsite housekeeping team. 
  • For the Autumn term, students will be given separate lunch sittings, in separate venues, to other Year groups, and they will be given separate social spaces for break and lunch time. 

As we look forward to September, we will want to ensure that we continue to work to keep our community as safe as possible. This term has been a challenge due to the high local infection rates with the Delta Variant. As we approach September, we will continue to work with our local public health team to risk assess the measures that we need to have in place. We will confirm the arrangements with regards to the wearing of face coverings in corridors, communal areas and classrooms based on this advice before we return. 

4.    Uniform and equipment expectations
An additional leaflet is attached that outlines the full uniform expectation. As highlighted previously, the key change regarding uniform is that we have changed our PE kit.  Each Year group will continue to wear their specific tie. Students going into Year 8-10 should, therefore, return wearing the ties that they were given this year. If students have lost their ties, they will be able to purchase them from Monkhouse John McHugh or from the school in September at a cost of £4.50. Year 11 students will be given their ties on their first day of school at no cost to the parent.

Over the past year there have been control measures restricting the use of changing rooms. However, from September Years 9-11 will be able to access the PE changing rooms for their lesson, therefore they will need to bring their PE kits on the days that they have PE and/or Dance.

  • For Years 7 and 8 only we will ask them to wear their PE kit on the days that they have PE. On this day students will be required to come to school dressed in their school PE kit. By this we mean that they would wear their school PE t-shirt and their PE shorts or jogging trousers. If students usually wear the shorts, then they may wear their usual trousers or skirt over the top of these during the day if they wish. All students should then wear their blazer or jumper over the top of their PE t-shirt during lessons
  • Students across the Year groups will be able to use the changing rooms for Dance.

Students will need to ensure that they bring their own equipment for lessons. They will need a pencil case with the full range of stationary. It is advisable that students have as a minimum: 2 pens, a pencil and a ruler. It would be helpful, but not compulsory, if students also had pencil crayons, a small glue stick and mathematical equipment.
Students also need to ensure that they have a bag where they can keep their books and required equipment. Due to limiting movement around the building, students will not be able to access their lockers in September.

5.    Student Attendance
It is expected that all students will be in school full time in September. The school day starts for all students at 8.30. It is important that they are on time and ready to learn. However, a student should not attend if:

  • They are displaying symptoms or if they have received a positive Coronavirus (COVID-19) test result. The medical advice is to immediately self-isolate at home for 10 days from when your symptoms started.
  • If someone in their household has symptoms of Coronavirus (COVID-19), then they you must stay at home for 10 days. The 10-day period starts from the day when the first person in the household became ill.

We ask that usual attendance procedures are followed; please telephone the attendance line before 8:30am - 0161 882 1182. If a student has tested positive, we ask that you ring this number and let us know as soon as possible.

If a student becomes ill during the day, parents will be contacted and asked to collect them as soon as possible. Students will be isolated whilst waiting. We would recommend that parents book an appointment to get a COVID-19 test and inform school as soon as the results come in. 

6.    Medical Conditions
Every term we routinely update our medical records and the same applies for September. If your child has a medical condition that has been recently diagnosed or that the condition around it has changed please inform the school before they return to school.

7.    Wellbeing
The past year has been difficult for many of us, our young people have experienced periods of uncertainty and change. Next year we will continue to include mental fitness throughout our curriculum. If you have any concerns about your child and would like further support, please contact your child’s Head of Year.

If you have any particular concerns about your child and would like further support, please contact your child’s Head of Year.


Read and download our Year 9 CHS Learning Journey Booklet below.

CHS Learning Journey Booklet Year 9


Please click here for further CHS Learning Journey information.


Year 9 Independent Learning

Additional Learning Resources


Year 9 CHS Solutions

These CHS Solutions are designed to help students boost their progress in each subject studied over their 5-year learning journey at Chorlton High School. In the main, they are tailored to specific areas for development that are identified by students and staff following their Progress Tests. By clicking on the link above students will be directed the solutions for their Year group, where they can continue to develop their independent learning concentrate on the areas and subjects that they need, in order to boost their progress.


Please see below for our Year 9 Reading List

Reading List Year 9



For further information relating to Year 9, please contact the Head of Year 9 - Mrs J Osbourne


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